Overview of the job
The Business Manager post within the Function or Cluster provides support to the Head of Operational Function, including making recommendations to them about operational and administrative requirements.
The jobholder acts as an interface between the Head of Operational Function and Divisional Hub, cluster staff and other agencies on a wide range of issues.
This is a non-operational post although an understanding of the wide range of Probation procedures, and policies across the organisation both operationally and at HQ are required.
The jobholder will report directly to the Head of Operational Function and have line management responsibilities for the Diary Manager and Senior Administrative Officers
The purpose of the role is to provide support to the Head of Operational Function. The jobholder will ensure that performance across the Function or Cluster is monitored, that issues are highlighted and opportunities to improve efficiency and effectiveness are proactively pursued.
The job holder will ensure the Head of Operational Function and others as appropriate, are informed of priority matters and are given options and/or recommendations to help them to operate effectively.
The job holder will ensure that good working relationships with Head of Operational Function and are maintained by communicating priorities effectively.
The jobholder acts as a single point of contact for the Operational Function on a number of key areas including Litigation, Complaints, Information Assurance, Communication, Business Continuity, providing appropriate signposting as necessary.
The jobholder will ensure effective management of the estate portfolio within their remit, acting as Single Point of Contact / Estates Liaison Officer and has overall management of Health and Safety within Division/Function/Cluster including compliance with Health, Safety and Fire Regulations (H&S)
The post holder will ensure all risk assessments are undertaken and staff are made aware of their personal responsibility toward H&S compliance
The jobholder will also manage relationships and liaise with a range of internal and external stakeholders and support the partnership working in the Function or Cluster.
Responsibilities, Activities & Duties
The job holder will be required to carry out the following responsibilities, activities and duties:
Assist with Deputy Director/ Head of Operational Function’s workload
Have oversight of the Head of Operational Function workload, ensuring that work is prioritised appropriately and that deadlines are met
Ensure that all papers/correspondence submitted to the Head of Operational Function are reviewed, and actioned and that correspondence is responded to on the Head of Operational Function’s behalf.
Monitor the Functional or Cluster Delivery Plan and risk register, ensuring the Head of Operational Function is kept informed of progress,
Effective management of health and safety within operational portfolio
Manage the clusters approach to Business Continuity, Information Security and Data Protection
Work with colleagues to develop plans and strategies to deal with risks.
Ensure operational and management information systems are in place to monitor and report on performance by division, locality, function and cluster identifying operational, resource or organisational issues that may impact on performance
Analyse business information, determining relevance and benefits and compiling information reports for the Head of Operational Function and senior managers
Update the Head of Operational Function on policies and procedures, the implications for colleagues and provision of recommendations for action.
Identify national and divisional priorities and support the Head of Operational Function to respond to emergent issues
Promote a culture of innovation and continuous improvement, undertaking reviews and making recommendations as necessary
Attend meetings on behalf of the Head of Operational Function when necessary, maintaining a professional image at all times.
Ensure systems are in place for the management of investigations commissioned by the Head of Operational Function.
Ensure mechanisms are in place to monitor the Functional or Cluster establishment and complete the National Workforce Planning Tool.
Manage relationships and stakeholders
Lead, facilitate and participate in working parties and undertake special projects as required
Work with other Business Managers across the Division to share best practice and maximise business improvements
Collaborate with NPS and HMPPS colleagues to maintain effective controls in Service Level Agreements and other contracts.
Establish effective working relationships with internal and external colleagues
Determine the effective use of resources
Work with Finance BP, HRBP, System Change Manager on budget matters, workforce planning and other operational issues, examples:
Agree budgets and unit costs for programmes of work
Make proposals for expenditure on programmes of work
Manage budgets and provide unit costings for activities
Advise on financial and resourcing issues to inform objectives and forward planning.
Have responsibility for banking within the operational function, including imprest
Effectively Manage and Develop staff
Manage and develop staff by providing effective supervision/coaching/appraisal
Demonstrate leadership skills in dealing with staff
Address poor performance
Ensure sickness absence initiatives are applied to achieve performance objectives and enhance productivity
Address conduct issues and resolve conflict. Resolve capability/grievance/harassment/complaints in accordance with organisational policies
Implement human resource policies.