1. To ensure systems and processes are in place to provide line management to support operational services staff across the community division and ensure effective recruitment, training and development of this staff group. 2. To provide direct operational management of key identified staff members and other groups of staff.3. To implement and monitor service redesign and transformation across the service line operational services at pace ensuring no unintended adverse consequence arise and transformational activity achieves successful outcomes.4. To develop systems at a team level that promotes clear communication between staff and management.5. To identify resources that are required to provide the services on a day to day basis and to develop plans for strategic development in the service and financial framework and over the longer term.6. To contribute to service and corporate budgeting processes with delegated authority to manage financial and human resources to ensure the maximum benefit to service users and service delivery.7. Lead the teams in the delivery of project plans, allocating tasks as appropriate, identifying risks, issues and dependencies considering best practice and current options and ultimately making decisions in the best interest of the project.8. To lead or contribute to workforce development for operational services ensuring that the workforce will meet the future direction of the local services division.9. Where required, to manage all HR processes for staff within direct reports as required for day to day management e.g. Annual leave, monitoring attendance, study leave, cover arrangements.10. Where appropriate, to support the Clinical Services Manager to ensure the effective management of HR processes to ensure people management needs are met e.g. capacity, disciplinary, grievance.11. To be responsible for the compliance of Pace to staff and their future developmental needs, ensuring all staff are in receipt of managerial supervision.12. If appropriate/required to lead on the recruitment of staff to ensure there are appropriate staffing levels across the service developing job descriptions and job plans. To undertake all the processes associated with recruitment.13. To be responsible for ensuring there is a cost effective operational services structure delivering the strategic direction to meet the trusts strategic objectives.14. To contribute to the compliance of data quality ensuring that systems are in place to monitor and improve data quality. This will include influencing the trusts development of the Data Warehouse reporting through relevant portal reports.15. To lead on information analysis, interpretation and dissemination process to support the achievement of operational services divisional corporate strategies/objectives and main service functions such as commissioning, planning, finance, performance operations and other key information users.16. To be a signatory for the service line and services within.17. Authorise orders of equipment, monthly expenses, travel claims etc. in line with Trust Policy.18. Review, analyse and assess budget pressures, discrepancies, trends and report to Clinical Services Manager.19. Ensure communication pathways between staff, senior managers and other relevant stakeholders in the Trust are effective and efficient.20. To represent the Community Division at internal and external meetings as appropriate to role and needs of the Division.21. Have a high level of communication skills to present to a variety of audience concerning developments, changes etc. and be able to use a range of media skills.22. To contribute to Clinical Governance including appropriate representation and the development of systems. 23. To carry out investigations into incidents or complaints received by the Division or Trust as required. To ensure that the investigation is completed within stated timescales and those recommendations are recorded in a clear, objective and unambiguous way, ensuring appropriate action, i.e., hearing disciplinary or grievances.24. Demonstrate effective change management, innovation and solution focussed approaches to service improvement.25. To ensure that clinical quality data is a focus within services across the portfolio for services the post holder supports.26. To lead on individual time limited projects in support of service business change and developments working with the Clinical Services Manager and any others as required.27. To observe and maintain agreed policies and procedures as defined by the trust.28. Be responsible with others for the development and review of policies and operational protocols pertinent to the project and their role.29. Contribute to overall success of the trust through strong strategic leadership.30. To deputise for Clinical Services Manager and other managers ensuring divisional support arrangements as required