Psychologists & Psychological Therapists provide key leadership roles within the Trust. To support this we have developed leadership profiles for each psychology band and the profile card associated with this post is attached on NHS Jobs. You can find more information about the NHS Leadership Academys Healthcare Leadership Model and the profiles at their website. We encourage you to look at these resources as they will play a part in the interview process. The post holder will have a key role in providing psychological assessments as well as a therapeutic, consultative and advisory service in relation to adults with learning disabilities, their families and carers, according to identified clinical need. In addition to direct clinical work, providing consultation and where necessary clinical supervision to other team members in regard to patients is an important element of the role. Applicants should have experience in working within Learning Disability services and show strong patient-centred values. The successful applicant will be enthusiastic, motivated, and demonstrate a commitment to delivering excellent mental health care and evidence based interventions. Opportunities to develop special interests and co-work will be encouraged, as will opportunities to undertake service development activities. Please refer to the attached job description and person specification for further detailed information to ensure that you meet the role criteria before applying.