About Us
We are seeking a senior leader to join Caerphilly as a Director for Financial Services, to ensure the effective delivery of Council objectives in the field of finance and to also be the Statutory Responsible Officer under Section 151 of the Local Government Act 1972.
You will oversee the following services:
1. Accountancy Services
2. Council Tax and NNDR (Business Rates)
3. Sundry Debtors and Cashiers Administration
4. Housing Benefits
5. Internal Audit
6. Insurance Management
You will be responsible for delivering services within budget, with the Net Revenue Budget currently at £43m. In addition, you will ensure that objectives set through the Council's accountability processes, strategies, and plans are achieved and monitored.
Acting as the principal advisor to the Council, Cabinet, and Corporate Management Team, this role involves providing expertise on all portfolio matters while ensuring the development and delivery of efficient and effective services for the County Borough.
A vital part of the role will involve setting, modelling, and embedding a culture within the organisation that aligns with its values and behaviours, ensuring these are reflected in all service provisions.
Closing Date: 10th April
Assessment Centre: W/C 28th April
Interview: 22nd May