Job summary
An exciting opportunity hasarisen for a 20 hour Healthcare Cleaning Operative post. The post holder is amember of the Facilities Team based in Housekeeping and Domestic Services andwill be responsible for carrying out cleaning duties based in the community atour Lyndhurst site. The post holder will report to the Housekeeping andDomestic Supervisors and the Housekeeping Manager. The role requiresflexibility in approach to the duties.
4x 5 hour shifts includingweekends and bank holidays.
All employees of the Trust are strongly encouraged to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 to protect patients.
For full job description, please see attached supporting documents
Main duties of the job
Themain duties of the role will be to clean all areas following the NationalStandards of Cleanliness, this includes signing off sheets to confirm the workhas been completed.
Workas a team and be able to prioritise your workload.
At the time of advertising, this role does not meet the minimum requirements (salary threshold or occupational requirements) set by UK Visas and Immigration to sponsor candidates to work in the UK. For this reason, unfortunately we are unable to sponsor anyone on a visa for this role at this moment in time.
About us
Weare a specialist NHS Foundation Trust that provides community, mental healthand learning disability services for the people of Barnsley, Calderdale,Kirklees and Wakefield. We also provide low and medium secure services and arethe lead for the west Yorkshire secure provider collaborative.
Our mission isto help people reach their potential and live well in their communities, we do thisby providing high-quality care in the right place at the right time. We employstaff in both clinical and non-clinical services who work hard to make adifference to the lives of service users, families and carers.
We encourageand welcome applications from all protected characteristic groups, we valuediversity and want our workforce to be reflective of our communities.
Beinga foundation Trust means were accountable to ourmembers, who can have a say in how were run. Around 14,300 local people(including staff) are members of our Trust.
Joinus and you will be one of over 4,500 staff committed to supporting and improvingthe mental, physical and social needs of the thousands of people we meet andhelp each year.
Weare committedto safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people andvulnerable adults and expects all colleagues and volunteers to share thiscommitment.
We do reserve to right to close vacancy before the advertised closing date if necessary, so please apply as soon as possible.
Job description
Job responsibilities
Thepost holder will:
Bepart of a comprehensive domestic cleaning service at South West YorkshirePartnership NHS Foundation Trust.
Performdomestic duties including deep clean in line with National Cleaning Standardsand Operational Procedures.
Assistin the provision and maintenance of a high quality, customer responsive serviceby providing general linen service duties.
Tobe responsible to a high standard of cleanliness in clinical areas, offices,public areas and external areas using the appropriate recognised cleaningmethods.
Responsiblefor advanced and deep cleaning projects including internal and externalwindows, carpets and high level dusting (dependant on work area)
Responsible foridentifying areas to be cleaned, plan and organise a cleaning programme withrelevant ward or departmental staff, ensuring patient, staff and visitor safetyis not compromised.
Operating cleaningequipment, machinery in accordance with manufacturers instruction ensuringthat it is in a good clean working order, reporting faults immediately tosupervisor.
Use the correct use ofPPE appropriate to the area and task undertaken in line with Trustpolicies. Ensuring the colour codedequipment used is appropriate to the area and task undertaken.
Changecurtains on rotation or in the event of infection.
Followpolicy and run all water taps/showers in designated areas on a daily basis andrecord on checklist.
Checkout spot cleaning to ensure spillages and incidents are dealt with swiftly andefficiently, supported by clinical staff as appropriate.
Toadhere to all relevant COSHH assessments and safety data sheets when preparing,using and disposing of cleaning chemicals.
Tohave a good understanding of COSHH and to report any issues to your supervisor.
Assistpatients to feel at ease in the hospital environment, responding to directionalrequests, referring enquiries to the appropriate staff.
Reportany damaged furniture, fittings, equipment and decor to supervisor.
Checkand report out of date portable appliance testing dates to supervisor forrectification.
Reportany infestation sightings to the supervisor.
Responsiblefor maintaining, rotating domestic stock levels, requesting stock for areas andensuring safe storage.
Ensure that all waste iscorrectly sorted into the appropriate waste streams, label and dispose of allwaste streams from the ward/department, observing all relevant recyclingpolicies and procedures.
We are aware that an increasing number of applicants are using AI technology to generate responses on NHS Job application reliance on AI-generated content in application forms is strongly discouraged and we will conduct a thorough screening process before selecting candidates to progress to the next stage. If you are using AI to enhance your application, please disclose this in your NHS Jobs application form.
Person Specification
1. Ability to work on own or in a team on a regular basis without direct supervision.
2. A Current driving licence and access to a car during the working day is essential (reasonable adjustments will be considered for any applicants who are unable to drive due to a disability) (if applicable to work area).
3. Knowledge of cleaning within a large setting or healthcare establishment.
4. Knowledge of the potential of cross contamination within a healthcare setting.
5. BICSc qualification or willing to undertake and successfully complete within 12 months or equivalent experience at Level 2.
6. Good knowledge of Health and Safety.
7. A satisfactory sickness record over previous 2 years (subject to the need to act with fairness and equality of opportunity, particularly where sickness is related to a disability and/or pregnancy).
8. Able to fulfil Occupational Health requirements for the post (with reasonable adjustments if necessary).
9. Experience of working within a customer focused environment.
10. Commitment to undertake relevant training commensurate to the job role.
11. Ability to communicate clearly and effectively.
12. Ability to communicate with service users who may have behavioural issues or sever communication difficulties.
13. Ability to plan your own work on a regular basis.
14. Able to understand written and spoken instructions.
15. Deal with day to day workloads linked to hygiene procedures and be able to follow written cleaning instructions.
16. Be able to use heavy equipment on a regular basis.
17. Knowledge of COSHH.
18. Handle hazardous cleaning chemicals on a regular basis.
19. Knowledge of infection control in the cleaning environment or be willing to be trained.
20. Ability to use cleaning tools and assemble / dismantle cleaning equipment.
21. Presentable, polite with a friendly manner.
22. Caring approach.
23. Adaptable and flexible to the changing needs of the service.
24. Self-motivated and enthusiastic.
25. Approachable and diplomatic.
26. Ability to rectify cleaning standards in a timely manner.