* To be the key point of contact within Health and Social Care services for eligible clients completing assessments.
* Provide high quality information to vulnerable adults, carers and relevant stakeholders.
* Work in partnership with appropriate health, housing and community stakeholders for the benefit of vulnerable adults around i.e. signposting, referrals, multi-disciplinary working, joint assessments and relevant meetings.
* Develop personalised support / care plans with individuals, their unpaid carers and other stakeholders as appropriate.
* Putting the person at the centre of the process, facilitate the selection of support services, activities or other routes.
* Support people to find creative, individual and efficient ways of solving problems or challenges in their lives.
* To promote self-directed support and direct payments to all service users and carers.
* Assist people to make their plans happen by signposting or researching and providing information about local services and opportunities.
* Manage the recording and administration around assessment and planning and agreeing care provision through up to date.
* To assess, issue where appropriate, and assist in process for major and minor adaptations, equipment and completion of housing needs or void property reports where relevant.
* Undertake service user/carer reviews periodically and as required against outcomes.
* Ensure clients are aware of processes in changing support, raising concerns about providers, complaints processes and awareness of safeguarding.
* Identify debt management concerns during interventions and raise as appropriate in partnership with the Financial Assessment Team and Debt Recovery.
* To recognize where social work or occupational therapist (or other professional) involvement is required.
* To undertake regular risk assessments and help service users devise risk management strategies.
Knowledge and Skills:
* Of support planning and personalised outcomes, and how mental illness impacts on the lives of individuals and their families.
* Of key statutes and guidance underpinning adult social care for mental health service-users.
* Knowledge of preventative and reablement approaches that improve independence.
* Understanding of safeguarding, deprivation of liberty, and dignity in care as applicable to vulnerable adults using social care and health services.
* Knowledge of the physical and psychological needs of vulnerable adults and their carers.
* Knowledge of the role of social workers, occupational therapists and other professional staff within the health and social care context.
* Ability to assess and manage the range of risks that mental health service-users may experience.
* Ability to form collaborative relationships and work in partnership with service users, carers and colleagues.
* Ability to work within a pressured environment using time effectively to meet deadlines and individual performance targets.
* Evidence of formal development within the field of health or social care, to equivalent of NVQ 3 level, or equivalent experience.
* IT skills across a range of systems and tools e.g. social care client database, e-mail, internet based programmes, word processing.
* Strong literacy / numeracy skills and report writing skills.
* Must have Enhanced DBS.
* Extensive experience of working in a health or social care environment.
* Extensive experience in working directly with mental health service-users and their carers.
* Experience of promoting service user independence using a empowering strengths-based approach.
If interested, please submit CV and call Varsha on (phone number removed) between 9am to 5pm for more details.