Current examples of clinical fellow projects include: Undergraduate Education in conjunction with BSMS, research, ultrasound, leadership, simulation and others, however future projects can be tailored depending on personal career needs/interest/development of training. The Clinical Fellow posts are designed to help build CVs (in work time), as well as to stop you burning out because of too many clinical shifts and bad rostering. Despite being non-training posts, the feedback has been that similar posts in other departments have been brilliant for training and career progression and most people go onto get training positions afterwards in their chosen specialty and region or have a well needed year out of training. These jobs are designed to support junior doctors whilst enabling sustainability and job satisfaction. It is great for those wishing to take some time out during specialist training or before starting training or prior to starting a consultant post. You need to have completed F2. Full allowance of annual leave and bank holidays (whether worked or not) are allowed for. The post has a core service purpose to support the safe delivery of care to the wards and acute unselected medical on call rota. Typically, a doctor who is new to the UK/NHS would start with duties in the acute medicine ward, where the range of experience and support is best suited to learning the practical aspects of the role. We aim to deliver the best experience and training possible, within the service requirements of the hospital.