Opportunity status:
Funding type:
Total fund:
Maximum award:
Publication date:
26 June 2024
Opening date:
27 June 2024 9:00am UK time
Closing date:
11 December 2024 4:00pm UK time
Last updated: 5 July 2024 -
This is a £18 million (80% full economic cost (FEC)) seven year, flagship investment focused on tackling cross-sectoral research challenges rooted in excellent, leading-edge engineering, physical and environmental sciences and transdisciplinary approaches to enable the transition of UK industrial manufacturing processes and operations to net zero.
Major progress is required to make significant advances in industrial emissions in the UK and UKRI aims to drive a sustainable industrial future, shifting the UK away from environmentally detrimental industries and processes to more sustainable and circular alternatives.
Before applying for funding, check the .
EPSRC and NERC standard eligibility rules apply. For full details, visit and .
UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) has introduced new role types for funding opportunities being run on the new UKRI Funding Service.
For full details, visit .
International applicants
Under the a project co-lead (international) (previously co-investigator) can be based in a Norwegian institution.
Who is not eligible to apply
Businesses are not eligible applicant organisations as part of this funding opportunity, they are expected to be listed as project partners.
We are expecting a high level of interest in this funding opportunity. Therefore, you can be named investigators on a maximum of two applications but named as project lead on only one application.
This funding opportunity will fund only the highest quality application.
UKRI reserve the right to reject applications which do not meet the requirements of the funding opportunity.
We encourage you to focus your efforts on an application that most closely mirrors the needs of the funding opportunity and the strengths of the proposed team.
You should seek to demonstrate a strong industrial co-creation and thought leadership approach.
Applications which do not represent a large cross section of the current ecosystem driving the sustainability of industry, either directly or through partnerships, will not be competitive for funding.
Equality, diversity and inclusion
We are committed to achieving equality of opportunity for all funding applicants. We encourage applications from a diverse range of researchers.
We support people to work in a way that suits their personal circumstances. This includes:
* career breaks
* support for people with caring responsibilities
* flexible working
* alternative working patterns