Cherry Medical Practice In this post you will be expected to perform and be competent in the following tasks as part of your daily duties. Answering phones and booking/cancelling appointments Booking patients in on arrival or directing patients to the check-in kiosk Actioning repeat prescription requests and prescription enquiries Ensuring all referral PNs are done by end of working day Actioning patient enquiries and patient notes on EMISWeb* Attendance at compulsory training eg Basic Life Support training, Safeguarding training Completion of all mandatory training and keeping own training log up to date. Participation in appraisal and professional development Using the Docman system for scanning correspondence and actioning tasks Opening and actioning incoming mail daily Actioning DNAs as per the practice policy Emailing documents as required Confidential shredding of documents Registering patients for Patient Access Registering new patients to the practice and booking the patient a new pt registration appointment Responsibility for contacting patients for reviews and chronic disease recall registers GDPR competence Child and Adult safeguarding awareness and compliance Duty to report any Safeguarding concerns Completion of Bridge referrals or Adult Safeguarding form where necessary Competency at actioning 2-week cancer referrals Adhering to staff policies on mobile phone use while at work, consumption of food, correct uniform etc Training will be provided in the use of these computerised clinical systems where required.