Key areas of responsibility: To work as an autonomous clinical practitioner, utilising care and case management assessment, clinical examination and diagnostic skills to provide high-quality holistic care and treatment. To prescribe effectively from the extended nurses formulary. Main Clinical Responsibilities: To provide clinical care to registered patients attending Norwich Health Centre. To undertake a full holistic assessment, liaising and referring to other agencies and professionals as necessary. To use clinical examination and diagnostic skills, initiate investigation, prescribing care and treatment as appropriate. To facilitate and/or provide health promotion and education. To work collaboratively with other health professionals and agencies. To develop and maintain advanced nursing skills. To prescribe effectively from the non-medical nurse prescribers formulary in line with local and national prescribing formularies. Education and Development: To support peer review and reflective practice. To formally and informally disseminate knowledge and skills to other staff. To proactively develop practice across boundaries. To undertake and participate in clinical supervision. To identify personal and professional development needs and implement action plans to meet those needs. To participate in agreed in-service training programme. Contribute to identifying own training needs and those of nurses working at the Centre. To attend mandatory training annually. Research/Audit: Support evaluation, research, and clinical audit at the Centre as appropriate. Identify, apply and disseminate research findings, related to advanced nursing practice. Support the understanding and utilisation of evidence based practice. To give a quality service using the audit process to evaluate the service being provided, implementing action plans and change of practice as necessary. To be involved in the process of clinical governance. Management: To support the Clinical Lead and Practice Manager, undertaking specific areas of work as requested. To ensure quality targets are met or exceeded. To ensure continuity of service. To actively market and promote the Practice. To assist in ensuring that all staff are familiar with medical emergency procedures. To assist in the training of clinical staff employed at the Centre. Assist in the recording of complaints, incident and accidents involving patients, visitors and staff. Professional: To ensure all practice is in accordance with the NMC Code of Professional Conduct, Scope of Professional Practice, Standards in the Administration of Medicines and Standards of Record Keeping. To maintain and develop advanced clinical skills. To identify areas of unsafe practice and areas of concern, initiating prompt and appropriate action. To respect confidentiality of all matters learnt as a result of their employment in the NHS including matters relating to other members of staff and members of the public/patients. To have a working knowledge of Norwich Health Centre's policies and procedures. To attend meetings as required. Quality: The post-holder will strive to maintain quality within the Practice, and will: Alert other team members to issues of quality and risk. Assess own performance and take accountability for own actions, either directly or under supervision. Contribute to the effectiveness of the team by reflecting on own and team activities and making suggestions on ways to improve and enhance the teams performance. Work effectively with individuals in other agencies to meet patients needs. Effectively manage own time, workload and resources in line with Health Centre Policy. Note: The responsibilities of this role will normally include all duties described in this job description and any additional or different duties, which the employer may require from time to time.