To perform physiotherapeutic assessment of patient with diverse presentations and complex physical and psychological conditions, to provide a diagnosis and develop and deliver an individualised treatment programme. To be responsible for their own continuing professional and personal development 3. JOB DIMENSIONS To hold responsibility for own case load and be responsible for a defined area of the service or a particular patient type, working without direct supervision. Access to advice and support from a senior physiotherapist is available if required, clinical work is not routinely evaluated. To undertake all aspects of clinical duties as an autonomous practitioner within this specialist field. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND EXPERIENCE REQUIRED Qualifications Degree or equivalent Attendance on relevant post graduate courses Experience Significant experience working as a physiotherapist Working with a wide range of professionals including medical, nursing and therapy colleagues Skills Ability to communicate effectively verbally and in writing Ability to prioritise, organise and allocate workload Time management skills Knowledge Insight into clinical speciality e.g. through academic studyat post Graduate level or equivalent Insight into current professional issues and those influencing the NHS standards of professional practice Personal Attributes Professional and patient focused Ability to work independently and as part of a team Flexible, adaptable capable of lateral thinking Good interpersonal skills 6. THE LEEDS WAY VALUES Our values are part of what make us different from other trusts, so we see this as a strength, as well as a responsibility. They have been developed by our staff and set out what they see as important to how we work. Our five values are: Patient-centred Collaborative Fair Accountable Empowered All our actions and endeavours will be guided and evaluated through these values Additionally the following are core values which relate specifically to this post: Committed to the development of physiotherapy within the clinical setting Committed to the clinical area maintaining high standards of care Committed to own development Committed to maintaining high standards of physiotherapy clinical practice in accordance with relevant guidelines and policies 7. WEST YORKSHIRE ASSOCIATION OF ACUTE TRUSTS (WYAAT) Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust is part of the West Yorkshire Association of Acute Trusts (WYAAT), a collaborative of the NHS hospital trusts from across West Yorkshire and Harrogate working together to provide the best possible care for our patients. By bringing together the wide range of skills and expertise across West Yorkshire and Harrogate we are working differently, innovating and driving forward change to deliver the highest quality care. By working for Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust this is your opportunity to be a part of that change. WYAAT is the acute sector arm of the West Yorkshire and Harrogate Health and Care Partnership, one of the largest integrated care systems in the country. The Partnerships ambition is for everyone to have the best possible health and wellbeing, and the work of WYAAT, and each individual trust, supports that ambition. 8. CORE BEHAVIOURS AND SKILLS Teaching skills with the ability to use various media Communication skills Time management skills Team player Professional Research conscious 9. CORE KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING An understanding of the organisational structure and working practices of this specialist area To have a working knowledge of Professional Standards set by the Charted Society of Physiotherapy, Health Professions Council and National Standards e.g. NSFs 9. PRINCIPAL DUTIES & AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITY Clinical To be professional and legally responsible and accountable for all aspects of your own work relating to the assessment and treatment of patients in your care undertaking clinical duties as an autonomous practitioner. To undertake the comprehensive assessment and treatment of patients including those with diverse / complex / multi pathological presentation. This will necessitate the use of investigative and analytical skills to formulate an accurate diagnosis and treatment from a range of options. Using investigative and analytical skills to formulate individualised management and treatment plans including the development of comprehensive discharge plans. To accept clinical responsibility for a designated caseload of patients and to organise this effectively and efficiently with regard to clinical priorities and use of time. To demonstrate dexterity, co-ordination and palpatory skills in the assessment and manual treatment of patients. To develop and deliver the physiotherapy element of the rehabilitation programme and on occasion to deliver some elements normally undertaken by nursing or occupational therapy colleagues. Use a range of verbal and non-verbal communication tools to communicate effectively with patients to progress treatment and rehabilitation programmes. This will include patients who may have difficulties in understanding or communicating. Ability to work in a stressful environment imparting information regarding poor rehabilitation prognosis on a daily basis. Ability to deal effectively with emotional and / or aggressive patients and / or carers on a daily basis. This will necessitate the use of communication skills e.g. to motivate and reassure. Assess patient understanding of treatment proposals, gain valid informed consent and have knowledge to work within a legal framework with patients who lack capacity to consent to treatment. To ensure a high standard of clinical care for the patients under your management and support more junior staff/ students to do likewise. Formulate and deliver physiotherapy treatment programmes based on a sound knowledge of evidence based practice and treatment options using clinical assessment, reasoning skills and knowledge of treatment options using e.g., manual physiotherapy techniques, patient education, exercise classes, electrotherapy techniques and other alternative options. Represent the physiotherapy service and / or individual patients at multi-disciplinary team meetings, to ensure the delivery of a co-ordinated multidisciplinary service, and integration of physiotherapy treatment. This will include discussion of patient care, patient progress and involvement in discharge planning. Education and Training To provide spontaneous and planned advice, teaching and instruction to relatives, carers and other professionals to promote understanding of the aims of physiotherapy and to ensure a consistent approach to patients care. To communicate effectively with patients and carers to maximise rehabilitation potential and to ensure understanding of their condition. Be an active member of the in-service training programme by attendance at, and participation in tutorials individual training sessions external courses peer review and reflective practice. To contribute to the teaching of student physiotherapists to graduate level on physiotherapeutic skills and knowledge within core clinical areas. Teach, assess and contribute to the performance assessment and appraisal of junior physiotherapists and physiotherapy assistant staff. To provide daily support, guidance and training to junior physiotherapist, support workers and students, assessing evaluating and ensuring competence. Professional and Managerial Maintain and develop current knowledge of evidence based practice in the areas of each rotation, developing knowledge of a variety of conditions and patient types. As a senior member of the clinical team you may be required to ensure that you implement policy and service development changes and ensure other do likewise. To be responsible for maintaining own competency to practice through continued Professional Development activities and maintain a portfolio which reflect your own personal development. To communicate effectively and work collaboratively with medical, nursing and therapy colleagues to ensure delivery of a co-ordinated multidisciplinary service. This will include case conferences, ward rounds and discharge planning as appropriate. To participate in the staff appraisal scheme as an appraise and appraiser and be responsible for complying with your agreed personal development programmes to meet set knowledge and competencies. To undertake the measurement and evaluation of your work and current practices through the use of evidence based projects, audit and outcome measures, either individually or with others. Make recommendations for changes as appropriate. To demonstrate an understanding of Clinical Governance and Risk Management and apply to work situation. To maintain own continuing professional development by keeping abreast of any new trends and developments, incorporating them as necessary into your work. In the absence of a senior staff member to supervise more junior staff, technical instructors, assistants and students. To allocate individual task to more junior staff and support workers as required. Organisational To be responsible for a designated area of work, as agreed with the Clinical Physiotherapy Manager and to plan and organise efficiently and effectively with regard to patients management and use of time. To decide priorities for won workload, balancing other patient related demands. To be responsible for the safe and competent use of individually prescribed equipment used by patient and general therapy equipment used by physiotherapy staff through teaching and supervision of practice.