Plan, organise and be accountable for the social work contribution to the multi-disciplinary team and implementation of care and protection plans on a day-to-day basis, working with patients, their families/carers, other teamsand outside agencies. Contribute to the Holistic assessment of individual needs and the development of care and support plans that treat each person as a unique individual, toprotect, promote and monitor the safety and welfare of service users and carer.During the development of these the post holder will ensure that the person is at the centre with their rights and views at the forefront whilst at the same time balancing the risks. Deliver appropriate, open, accurate and straightforward communication to patients, carers, and family, clearly explaining service policies and the professional role and responsibilities of the multi-disciplinary team including any statutory intervention which may prove necessary, to establish and maintain the trust and confidence of patients, carers, and families.Challenge and report dangerous, abusive, discriminatory, or exploitative behaviour or practice, including potential criminal offences, wherever this may be found, to ensure the wellbeing of patients, carers and colleagues is always safeguarded.Follow risk assessment policies and procedures, and access specialist professional advice and guidance as necessary, to ensure that potential and actual risk is identified and managed, particularly in relation to those patients who are assessed as being the most vulnerable to risk of harm by self or others.Maintain the highest standards of personal and professional conduct, adhere to relevant codes of conduct, policies, procedures, and legislation, and take responsibility for maintaining and improving personal knowledge and skills to ensure that the criteria for continuing professional registration are fulfilled and that members of the public and other professionals have confidence in the service. Create and maintain clear and accurate records to ensure that all relevant information is held as required by established procedures and best practice and in line with data protection, confidentiality, disclosure and consent policies, always bearing in mind that such documents may be disclosed for the purpose of Serious Case Reviews, external inquiry and inspection, and to the Royal Court in respect of civil applications or in criminal proceedings associated with the protection of vulnerable individuals. Attend court where required in accordance with the statutory requirements of the Capacity and Self Determination (Jersey) Law 2016 and the Mental Health (Jersey) Law (2016). The post-holder is required to have a high level of legal literacy and along with other professionals within the multi-disciplinary team produce court reports where necessary, make representations to the court and be cross-examined within the court arena. Engage in commissioning activity, including the negotiation, and sourcing of packages or care, and designing, reviewing, and contributing to Service Level Agreements.Provide formal and informal supervision to professionally unqualified social care staff.To facilitate and manage group working or co facilitate with other professionals as required.Act as Safeguarding Champion for the inpatient wards acting as a link to the Safeguarding TeamsMaintain contemporaneous notes and records in electronic patient records in a timely manner and in accordance with local and national policy.