All NHS Ambulance Trusts are required to have a specialist capability to respond to high threat incidents of a CBRN or MTA nature. From April 2022, this will be a commissioned specialist capability, known as SORT and will form one of the EPRR core standards in relation to the number of staff trained and the number of specialist staff on duty.
Each member of SORT will be required to pass physical competency assessments and attend 3.5 days of specialist training every six months. SORT staff will need to remain in date with all of the competencies to maintain a valid SORT capability. The SORT training is undertaken on a voluntary basis and open to all clinically qualified operational staff.
The primary function of the RSO Officer role is to deliver the SORT programme of training and support operational staff during the teaching sessions. The post holder will provide assurance to the SORT Training Manager for the delivery of relevant specialist advanced training. The individual will ensure the specialist training enables maintenance of related interoperable capabilities contract standards. These will primarily be MTA and CBRN within the SORT (Special Operations Response Team) but may include specialist Command Training, exercising and include delivery to partner agencies. The training will comply with NHSE/I and NRICT national requirements and follow best practice.
Benefits we offer:
• Full training and a range of courses which you can book locally.
• Holiday entitlement of 27 days, rising to 29 days after 5 years’ service and 33 days after 10 years’ service, plus an additional 8 days bank holiday (pro rata for part time).
• Automatic enrolment into the NHS Pension Scheme.
• Access to continual professional development within SCAS and the wider NHS.
• Occupational Health support and direct access to our Employee Assistance Programme as well as our own Health and Wellbeing Team.
• NHS Discounts in over 200 + stores saving money on holidays, days out, car insurance, restaurants, clothing and much more.
• Ability to join our staff networking groups (as a member, ally or just for interest).
Corporate Induction
It’s really important for us to ensure you have the best onboarding experience which allows you to feel a sense of belonging from the start. To help with this, we will book your Corporate Induction as soon as we possibly can (depending on availability).
All new starters need to attend our *Corporate Induction in person, this is held over one and half days from our educational centres based in: Newbury (Berkshire), Bicester (Oxfordshire) or Whiteley (Hampshire). More specific details will be sent to you once your start date has been confirmed.
*Please note – depending on your role additional training may be required following on from your corporate induction.
1. Leadership
1.1 DeputisefortheSORTTrainingManagerasandwhenrequired.
1.2. Develop therequiredlearning outcomes for thetraining ensuring compliance with quality standards, both local and national.
1.3. Develop specialist indicative content, teaching and learning strategies and assessment strategy to ensure staff are able to achieve and demonstratecompetence.
1.4. Conduct training sessions in a range of challenging psychological and physicalenvironments.
1.5. Prepare training venues to meet student and welfare requirements including the settingupofpracticalscenariosinvolvingmovementofmanikinsandothertrainingequipment.
1.6. Evaluate the training to assess the degree of learner satisfaction and impact,reviewing evaluationsandmaking anyrequiredadjustmentswhilst ensuringneitherlearning outcomes nor content are compromised.
1.7. Maintain own competence in the subject area by regular engagement with professional guidance from NARU and national SORT Leads.
1.8. Undertake annual reviews of learning outcomes and indicative content or in response to significant changes in national and/or local guidelines.
1.9 Preparelessonplansandresourcesforthedeliveryofspecifictrainingpackages.
1.10. Undertake annual reviews of learning outcomes and indicative content or in response to significant changes in national and/or local guidelines.
2. Operational
2.1 Wherenecessary,undertaketheteachingofthecontentrelatedtoSORTactivities.
2.4. Ensure compliance with any Trust or directorate policies, procedures andguidelines.
2.5. Ensure all SORT personnel are competent and up to date in all SORT specific disciplines and accurate and robust records of training are maintained.
2.6. Maintain their full clinical competency and professional registration (where applicable) and continue to professionally develop within national and local guidelinesinordertodeliverpatientcaretotheprofessionalstandardsaslaiddown by the JRCALC guidelines and other local protocols and procedures.
2.7. Monitorandevaluatethedeliveryofcourseprogrammestoensurethatthequality of instruction, content and teaching materials exceed the minimum standards as required by the Trust / HCPC.
2.8. Ensure effective information and training management systems are in place and maintained to support the audit aspects of training and clinical governance.
2.9. Administer systems and processes to ensure that the SORT training programme has effective mechanisms for identifying and preventing shortfalls or deficits in quality and service and the subsequent implementation of a remedial action plan.
2.10 MaintainpersonalskillsandcompetenceinordertocomplywithHCPCaudit.
2.11. Ensure the serviceability and security of SORT equipment and vehicles and that training venues are monitored to ensure a safe learning environment for all.
2.12. Participate in the completion of Risk Assessments for training activities, training venues and training equipment where necessary.
2.13. As required, work in conjunction with other emergency services in response to a major incident.
2.14. To coordinate and attend exercises in line with the availability of multi- agencypartners.
2.15 TosupportSORTincidentsnationallyasrequired.
2.16 Toprovideoperationalcoverasaqualifiedclinicianwhenrequiredandavailable.
2.17. ParticipateinthedaytodaymanagementoftheSORTestateensuringcompliance with Directorate and Trust policies.
2.18. SupporttheResilience&SpecialistOperationsDepartmentinanyactivitydeemed necessary by the Head of Resilience & Specialist Operations.
2.19. Be competent in the independent use of Microsoft Office 365, other key pieces of software in regular use by the department and the Trust.
3. People
3.1. Assess students undertaking SORT Training and determine if they have passed the set criteriato bedeemed competent inthefull skill set.Where students failto meetormaintainthesetcompetencies,theywillsetoutanappropriateactionplan, which may include removal from SORT training.
3.2. Review SORT staff competency records to ensure compliance and address shortfalls accordingly.
3.3 ParticipateintheselectiontestproceduresforstaffwishingtoSORTUnit.
3.4. Participate in the day to day management of SORT operations ensuring compliance with Directorate and Trust policies.
3.5. Maintain confidentiality in line with Trust policy and ensure compliance with the GDPR and Caldicott principles.
3.6. When requested produce written reports for internal and external meetings/publications on a range of issues, as specified.
3.7. Co-ordinate, and assist with, the Trust’s response to external inspections/ accreditation visits, including the preparation of reports/action plans and subsequent progress reports.
4. ClinicalResponsibilities
4.1. ToprovidespecialistclinicalsupportandknowledgewithintheSORTskillset.This includes, though not exhaustive, high threat incidents involving active shooters, marauding terrorists and/or chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear material (SORT manager JD).
4.2. To be able to deploy to any SORT incident and provide health input wearing appropriate PPE.
4.3. Operate specialist SORT equipment e.g. Clinical Decontamination Unit and ancillary equipment, and make appropriate use, based on dynamic riskassessment.
4.4. Access relevant databases (e.g. TOXBASE, CHEMNET, CRCE (PHE) etc.) to research and communicate to others regarding the symptoms, treatment, and decontamination procedures for an incident.
4.5. Apply the principles and practice of Dynamic Operational Risk Assessment to ensurethat plans andactions areregularlyupdated accordingtotheneeds ofthe current situation.
5. Governance&Quality
5.1. Provide assurance that SORT training is recorded, consistent and of the quality specified and expected to ensure that the SORT cadre is working to a safe and competent level.
5.2. WorkwithinthepoliciesandstandardoperatingproceduresoftheTrustandSORT to ensure that:
· patientconfidentialityismaintainedatalltimes
· that any confidential/classified information which comes into your possession orknowledgeismanagedinsuchamannerasnottocompromiseanoperation or the safety of staff involved in the delivery of any such operation
· beawarethattheimmediateworkingenvironmentmaybedesignateda‘scene ofcrime’andasfaraspossibleendeavourtopreserveand/orleaveundisturbed anypotentialevidence,withoutcompromisingabilitytoperformtheclinicalrole
5.3. MaintainrequiredpersonalstandardsofservicedeliveryandcoreSORTskillsand attend training events as required to deliver the expected level of service.
5.4 Activelysupervise,supportandworkwithothermembersoftheRSOdepartment.
5.5. AssistintheongoingevaluationofSORTcapabilitiesandeffectivenessbothlocally and nationally.
5.6 Assistintheresearchanddevelopmentofnewequipment.
5.7. Analyse information from multiple sources to better understand the nature of an incident and plan scene management activities.
5.8. Ensure the accurate recording of information, including patient records and decision logs, relating to SORT operations, in accordance with established procedures and share with other Managers and authorised staff as appropriate.
5.9 EnsurelearningoutcomesaresharedwithintheTrustandwithNARU.
6. Communication,NetworkingandWorkingRelationships
6.1. Promote SORT awareness to other Ambulance staff within the Trust and among local Partner Agencies.
6.2. Deliver lectures and presentations on SORT training and capabilities to both internal and external agencies as required.
6.3. Comply with the required instructions, procedures and processes of the Unit, and the Trust to maintain effective two-way communication.
6.4. If required, represent the Trust and emergency services in public arenas and promote its image as a professional and competent service.
6.5. Develop and maintain good working relationshipswith other emergency services, NHS Trusts and public/private and voluntary sector agencies, PHE.
6.6. Actively support and promote the aims and objectives of the Trust’s SORTcapability.
7. Strategic
7.1. Develop a SORT training plan working with the National Ambulance Resilience Unit and ensure liaison and training takes place with the Police, the Fire and Rescue Service and other appropriate Partner Agencies.
7.2. Actively support and promote the Trust’s purpose, Vision and Values, and broad organisational goals
7.3. Be responsible for personal contribution to the development of the SORT programme and where necessary, the testing of new initiatives.
This advert closes on Monday 17 Feb 2025
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