Volunteering (General Shop Assistant) by SCOPE Every Week onMon, Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat,Sun) at 8:00 AM /End Date: 31 Dec 2025 Hertfordshire,SG14 1BG Adults (18+)
Need volunteers for general shop assistant and help in charities.
According to the charity's web site, in a meeting that marked the genesis of a transformative journey, three parents and a dedicated social worker, Jean Garwood, united to establish Scope, a charity with a profound mission. Ian Dawson-Shepherd, Eric Hodgson, and Alex Moira, driven by a shared passion for ensuring equal access to education for their children with cerebral palsy, envisioned a society where all disabled people could enjoy equality and fairness. Alongside them, Bill Hargreaves, who had previously supported hundreds of disabled individuals in securing their first jobs, added a crucial dimension to their collective vision. The roots of Scope were firmly planted in the desire to empower disabled individuals, particularly those with cerebral palsy, to navigate the educational landscape with parity.
Vision, Mission, and the Scope Identity
Scope's unwavering commitment revolves around the vision of a society where disabled individuals experience equality and fairness. The multifaceted approach involves engaging disabled people, campaigners, donors, volunteers, communities, and businesses to collectively challenge attitudes and eradicate disability inequality. The heartbeat of Scope lies in its ambition and determination to drive change. With a focus on impact, innovation, and collaboration, Scope embraces transparency, valuing expertise and diversity while fostering supportive, accessible environments. "An Equal Future" isn't just a tagline for Scope; it encapsulates a bold strategy aimed at transforming society with disabled individuals at its core in the coming decade.
An Equal Future Transforming Society at the Helm
In the UK, 16 million disabled people await recognition of their potential and a shift in societal attitudes. Scope's ambitious strategy, "An Equal Future," serves as a roadmap for the transformational journey ahead. It addresses the core issues facing disabled individuals, emphasizing the need to dismantle societal barriers that impede their progress. Beyond acknowledging the extra costs they bear, Scope seeks to underscore the value disabled individuals bring to the workplace. This comprehensive strategy positions Scope as a catalyst for societal change, where disabled people not only participate but thrive, with their contributions recognized and valued.
The Social Model Paving the Way for Equality
At the heart of Scope's Everyday Equality strategy lies the social model of disability, a paradigm developed by disabled individuals themselves. This model posits that societal barriers, rather than inherent impairments, disabled people. From physical barriers like inaccessible buildings to attitudinal barriers that underestimate the capabilities of disabled individuals, the social model underscores the importance of dismantling these obstacles. By doing so, it aims to foster equality, offering disabled individuals more independence, choice, and control. Scope recognizes that not everyone adheres to the social model, respecting individual choices in how they articulate their experiences.
Combatting Disablism: Shifting Attitudes for Equal Opportunities
Scope acknowledges the pervasive impact of negative attitudes rooted in prejudice and stereotypes, often termed as disablism. It challenges the prevalent medical model of disability that focuses on what is perceived as 'wrong' with an individual, asserting that this perspective fosters low expectations and diminishes independence. By addressing disablism, Scope strives to create an inclusive environment where disabled individuals can thrive, free from societal biases that limit their opportunities.
Volunteering for Equality A Call to Action
As Scope envisions an equal future, it extends an invitation to individuals passionate about disability equality to join their cause. Volunteering at local Scope shops emerges as a pivotal way to generate income and raise awareness within communities. The flexible volunteer roles provide an opportunity to contribute to the transformative work of Scope, whether through learning more about charities and retail, making a tangible difference in disabled people's lives, or seizing training and development opportunities. With inclusivity at its core, Scope particularly welcomes applications from disabled individuals, reinforcing its commitment to creating a diverse and supportive environment for all volunteers. In this collective effort, every volunteer becomes an integral part of Scope's journey towards equality.
For more information, we encourage you to visit their charity web site by clicking the link below.
Key Requirements:
Responsible / Teamwork / Enthusiastic / Social Skills / Organizational Skills / Management Skills
Call: 02076197308
Email: cosec3@scope.org.uk
Address: 15 Railway Street, Hertford, Hertfordshire, England, Great Britain, SG14 1BG
According to the charity’s website, Scope centers its efforts primarily on championing the rights of disabled individuals, aiming to ensure their equitable and fair inclusion in society. The organization actively engages in a process of ...Read More