The following are the core responsibilities of the Paramedic Practitioner. There may be, on occasion, a requirement to carry out other tasks; this will be dependent upon factors such as workload and staffing levels: Run Minor Illness Clinics Work as part of a multi-disciplinary team (MDT) Assess and triage patients, including same day triage, and as appropriate provide a definite treatment (including prescribing medications following policy, patient group directives, NICE (national) and local clinical guidelines and local care pathways) or make necessary referrals to other members of the primary care team. Advise patients on general healthcare and promote self-management where appropriate, including signposting patients to the organizations social prescribing service and where appropriate, other community or voluntary services Provide advanced, care to patients as required in accordance with clinical based evidence, NICE and Undertake the collection of pathological specimens Request pathology/investigatory procedures Process and interpret pathology and other test results as required Maintain accurate clinical records in conjunction with extant legislation Ensure read/SNOMED CT codes are used effectively Prioritise health issues and intervene appropriately Support the team in dealing with clinical emergencies Be an extended and supplementary prescriber, adhering to extant guidance Support patients in the use of their prescribed medicines or over the counter medicines (within own scope of practice), reviewing annually as required Contribute to practice targets (QOF etc.), complying with local and regional guidance Liaise with external services/agencies to ensure the patient is supported appropriately (vulnerable patients etc.) Delegate clinical responsibilities appropriately (ensuring safe practice and the task is within the scope of practice of the individual Support the clinical team with all safeguarding matters in accordance with local and national policies Understand practice and local policies for substance abuse and addictive behaviour, referring patients appropriately Perform specialist health checks and reviews within their scope of practice and in line with local and national guidance Perform and interpret ECGs Support the delivery of anticipatory care plans and lead certain services (e.g., monitoring blood pressure and diabetes risk of elderly patients) Communicate at all levels across organizations ensuring that an effective, person-centered service is delivered Communicate proactively and effectively with all colleagues across the MDT, attending and contributing to meetings as required Communicate effectively with patients and, where appropriate, family members and their carers, where applicable, complex and sensitive information regarding their physical health needs, results, findings and treatment choices