Role: Systems Analyst - MFA Systems Analystto join the team and assist with the business analysis data analysis systems integration and process mapping to support the IDAM strategic vision Essential Skills M FA Security Policies Proficiency in designing and enforcing M FA security policies including adaptive authentication conditional access and riskbased authentication to protect against evolving threats User Provisioning and Deprovisioning Auto m a ting the creation and re m oval of user accounts and access rights Role Based Access Control RBAC Assigni ng permissions based on user roles within the organization Federated Identity M a nage m ent Enabling identity sharing and single signon across different organizations cloud boundaries or do m a ins Privileged Access M a nage m ent PA M Securing controlling and m onitoring access to critical syste m s by privileged users Authentication Protocols I m ple m enting secure authentication m echanis m s like Kerberos OAuth OIDC and SA M L Proactive nature with the ability to independently m a nage the analysis of m ultiple pieces of work concurrently Co m prehensive and detailed investigative skills required to gain a full understanding of current processes and to be able question the infor m a tion data provided by application tea m s Experienced in m a pping processes and workflows both current and net new Working with tea m s to identify what these processes could look like in the future Ability to produce co m prehensive concise and accurate analysis and docu m entation Identifying risks and issues and co m m unicating these effectively to stakeholders Experience working on large scale Transfor m a tion and IT m igration projects Accountability for deliverables and proven track record of delivering on schedule Proficient using M S Excel PowerPoint Diagra m m ing tool Visio Lucid Chart Giffly etc Jira and Confluence Strong spoken and written English language skills to enable successful co m m unication with application tea m s across the business