An exciting opportunity to join the team at Oasis Academy Silvertown
Oasis Academy Silvertown is looking to recruit a talented, humble and highly motivated leader to the key position of Assistant Principal to support the Principal, staff and our students as we work to get ‘Ready for university, ready to lead’.
Are you passionate about the power of high aspirations for all young people, keen to learn, develop and grow yourself as a leader and ready to prioritise strong relationships in all of your work? Are you a highly successful and experienced leader, ready to take your next step to develop yourself as a leader?
Our academy
Oasis Academy Silvertown was planned and founded by the West Silvertown community who dreamed of having a local school which ensured both academic excellence as well as nurturing care for local children. After many years of discussions, plans and applications to the Department for Education, the academy opened in September 2014 in portacabins and finally moved into its permanent home in September 2022.
Our academy vision is to ensure that all of our students become ‘Ready for University, Ready to Lead’. We have held tightly to the original dreams that the community had for our school, creating an environment where we have high academic aspirations for every student as well as ensuring we support and develop each child into growing and developing as a leader. Our small size means that every child is known by our staff and that we have a strong community feel where children want to learn and to behave well.
Application process
If you would like to know more about Oasis Academy Silvertown, please see our website and Instagram. In order to arrange a visit to the academy prior to your application, please contact Zaynab Kadir PA to Principal & Senior Leadership Administrator:
Completed forms should be returned to Zaynab Kadir, PA to Principal & Senior Leadership Administrator. Email: