The post holder is an experienced nurse with specialist palliative care expertise who, acting within their professional boundaries, will direct holistic care and support for patients with Specialist Palliative Care (SPC) needs at diagnosis, during treatment, or at end of life, within the hospital SPC team.
They will direct safe clinical decision-making and expert care for patients within defined guidelines and parameters. They will work collaboratively with the multi-disciplinary team to meet the needs of patients, supporting the delivery of policy and procedures, and providing nurse leadership as required.
They will lead, develop, and manage the SPC nursing team.
The post holder will work flexibly across Acute Hospital and Community settings, supporting the service according to service demand.
The postholder will:
* Support the team to obtain a detailed and comprehensive patient assessment and undertake relevant clinical examination and investigations for the agreed caseload.
* Lead the team to enable them to make clinical assessments and treatment decisions within clinical guidelines, providing safe, evidence-based, cost-effective, individualized patient care.
* Support the hospital SPC team to assess patients ensuring safe discharge and communication with the Primary Health Care Team or appropriate admission with a clear plan for palliative care needs to be met.
* Lead the team to enable them to support patients and their families by communicating sensitive, complex condition-related information, ensuring they receive required information to enable them to participate in care delivery.
* Support the team to act as a source of specialist nursing advice and support to SPC patients and their families.
* Lead the team to develop, implement, and monitor agreed management plans for each patient.
* Lead the team to enable them to refer patients directly to other services/agencies as appropriate.
* Support the team to maintain accurate clinical records in accordance with NMC, Trust, and medico-legal requirements.
* Ensure that these standards are met and maintained within the nursing team.
* Support the team to act as patient advocates when appropriate, ensuring respect for patient confidentiality, privacy, and cultural/ethnic background.
Professional Duties:
* Lead the team and enable them to participate in or undertake research projects as identified and disseminate research findings appropriately.
* Conduct and participate in audits to evaluate identified aspects of the SPC Service, using techniques that monitor and improve existing practice.
* Maintain close links with the Trust Research and Development Department.
* Lead the team and support national, local, and network patient experience exercises and ensure any recommendations or needs highlighted are incorporated.
Managerial Duties:
* Work closely with key partners including the Trust’s Cancer Management Team and other appropriate health and social professionals to coordinate, influence, and develop specialist palliative care services within and across primary, secondary, and tertiary care settings.
* Work closely with the Lead Cancer Nurse to support and develop Cancer Nursing and Supportive Care for Cancer patients in Calderdale and Huddersfield.
* Collaborate with the appropriate Ward Sisters/Charge Nurses and Matrons (Community and Hospital) to influence and promote the nursing service and care provision for patients with specialist palliative/end-of-life needs.
* Develop close working relationships with team leaders across Calderdale community and the wider locality to enhance and inform the patients' journey across settings.
* Lead the team to support them in conjunction with other members of the Multi-Disciplinary Team, review existing protocols and policies, and develop new ones where appropriate.
* Support the team in carrying out an annual review of all patient/carer information and the production of appropriate new information as identified.
* Initiate and develop new ideas for the improvement of specialist palliative care Services for patients.
* Ensure robust systems are in place to involve users in service developments and that there is an effective communication strategy for feedback into clinical practice.
* Maintain and provide relevant statistics about activities as required by the Trust, network, and national organizations.
* Attend regular relevant meetings (internal and external) and provide effective channels of communication within the team.
Financial Duties:
* Be aware of the financial implications of the service needs and specific budgetary requirements related to specialist palliative care.
* Manage the department budget and contribute to the Trust’s financial commitment to the development of the service.
Managing Self:
* Participate in regular supervision.
* Attend all mandatory training.
* Participate annually in identifying, developing, and agreeing your own development plan with your Line Manager.
* Maintain professional conduct, including appearance at all times.
* Ensure maintenance of Professional Registration.
This job description is an outline only and is not definitive or restrictive in any way. It will be regularly reviewed and may be amended in the light of changing circumstances following consultation with the post holder.