The role:
1. Promote the organisations QHSE policies and procedures.
2. Maintain and improve the organisations positive QHSE culture.
3. Support the organisation on all QHSE matters Empower and aid continuous improvements in relation to QHSE.
4. Office based with travel for site audits
Your job will include:
5. Communication and consultation with employees on all matters in relation to QHSE
6. Undertake site audits, desktop audits and internal management system audits
7. Investigating accidents, dangerous occurrences and review trend analysis and recommend means of preventing reoccurrence
8. Produce reports for accident / incident analysis and recommendations
9. Produce risk assessments and complete reviews regularly Identify and regularly review procedures to prevent injury and / or ill health to personnel and damage to equipment
10. Enforce legal compliance affecting Health, Safety and Welfare and the provision of adequate welfare facilities
11. Compliance checks on equipment and PPE Review safety legislation register, codes of practice and new safety literature
12. Sub-contractor H&S reviews
13. Assist with PQQ’s and attend client QHSE reviews
14. Administration of accreditation bodies online systems
15. Regularly review any training needs from around the organisation
16. Ensuring maintained CPD with relevant professional bodies
17. Consider the environmental impact of all activities & reduce carbon footprint
18. NEBOSH General Certificate in Health and Safety
19. Site Audit and Inspections
20. Producing and reviewing risk assessment, policies, procedures and safe systems of work
21. Accident and Incident reporting and investigation
22. Knowledge and experience of ISO, and
23. Good communication at all levels within an organisation and customers
24. Delivery of toolbox talks, bulletins and other forms of communication
25. Use of IT systems such as Outlook, Word, Excel
26. Use of auditing programs such as iAuditor
NSS Values
27. The Safest way
28. Continues improvement
29. Working Together
30. Dependable Service
31. Empowering people