Responsible for accessing, retrieving and processing referrals (including electronic, paper and internal referrals) and attachments from the national ERS system on a daily basis. Creating referrals where required and creating waiting lists entries on System One ensuring that all patients are booked into the correct clinic in line with ERS and Trust booking guidelines. Scanning ERS referrals onto SystemOne, ensuring the referral has been read to identify the correct speciality and consultant required, for this Medical Understanding is needed the accurate input of data in relation to referral and personal details both on SystmOne, PPM (patient pathway manager) and ERS, ensuring referrals and all relevant attachments are correctly attached from the GP practice, the referral is criteria checked and any relevant information is highlighted and sent to the correct service. Sending the referrals directly to consultants for triaging. Processing of rejected and redirected referrals on the scanning system, SystemOne, PPM and ERS this includes liaising with several departments to ensure the correct re allocation of the referral and also communicating this includes providing any complex medical information provided by the consultant to the Patient and GP. Accepting of referrals including updating the scanning record, PPM, ERS and SystemOne and sending confirmation of the appointment to the patient. Investigating referrals that havent been triaged in a timely manner and providing this information directly to consultants and management. Responsible for receiving complex information and inputting accurate and case specific data onto the appointments system following standard operational procedures to ensure that all new and review clinic appointments are input correctly. Managing outpatient waiting lists on a daily basis. Ensuring all data is correct and completed. Keeping waiting lists up to date by ensuring all appointments due are booked up to and including 6 weeks in front. Responsible for ensuring that all new and follow up clinic appointments are appointed inline with national waiting time targets. Management of patients due date and breach dates for due appointments by manually reviewing daily to ensure appointments are allocated prior to scheduled due date and breach date. Highlighting any potential breaches or capacity issues in a timely manner to the consultants, management and PSM directly. To liaise and communicate complex information with clinicians, colleagues, GPs and managers to identify any potential inappropriate referrals booked into clinics bringing them to the attention of the relevant clinician and/or manager for remedial action to be taken or redirected as required on the ERS system via tasking or telephone.