Works automonuously interpreting CQC standards, accreditation standards & government policy to be the expert on the Quality Assurance system issues and to provide expert support, advice, guidance and education on all aspects of the risk management system. Lead on Clinical Audit, Pals, Complaints, Patient safety, Incidents, Serious Incients & Patient engagement throughout ECCH, be the expert in the Serious Incident response process for ECCH ensuring that all SI investigations are completed and submitted in accordance with policy. To review with clinical staff the outcomes of any investigations and ensure that any outcomes and lessons learnt are shared for joint learning. To facilitate and support timely learning from incidents, complaints, claims and inquests and support staff to develop an open, just and fair culture where staff report untoward incidents. To educate, support and advise senior managers and clinicians who maybe responsible for or part of carrying out investigations for incidents, complaints and near misses including identification and implementation of action plans and control measures to prevent incident reoccurrence. To communicate sensitive information in relation to incident, complaint, claim investigations to staff, patients, relatives and external authorities, such as the Ombudsman, HM Coroner, NHS Resolutions, in line with the guidance on being open, ensuring communication with key staff in the Quality Directorate. To be responsible for the Serious Incident response process for ECCH ensuring that all SI investigations are completed and submitted in accordance with policy, working along side the CSU. To develop and support the implementation of ECCH clinical governance plans and work programmes. To develop and produce comprehensive quality reports for ECCH, which enable an aggregated analysis of trends and themes in patient experience, patient safety, patient outcomes, issues and lead the process of developing mitigating actions. Support clinical team leaders in developing programmes of work to ensure that ECCH meet the relevant criteria as described in the standards set by the Care Quality Commission, NHSLA and any other national, service-specific or local performance frameworks. Lead on the Root Cause Analysis process for investigating serious incidents (as defined in the National Framework for Serious Incidents requiring Investigation (NPSA 2010) and provide expert input to multidisciplinary investigation teams as required. Identify problems or areas of concern relating to clinical and non-clinical practice, raise to the Deputy Director of Quality and liaise with the lead professionals to agree remedial action and the setting and maintaining of standards. To have a presence on wards and departments to provide advice and support on In Phase management and Patient Safety topics. Responsible for introducing, adapting and improving operational information systems in own area of use and use by others; Manage operation of system(s) which process, update and store information. Develop and review a programme of In Phase management, Root Cause Analysis (RC) and appropriate ECCH wide initiatives. To manage any developments, as the In Phase Administrator, upgrades with In Phase and the associated incident management processes into all clinical and non clinical areas of ECCH. To be the manager and lead as ECCH In Phase administrator in all aspects of incident/risk management system. To be responsible for updating regularly and in a timely way with the Deputy Director of Quality in all quality matters including NICE guidance/Patient Safety. Use leadership skills to create an environment that is safe and supportive to ensure effective teamwork and a motivated, efficient workforce. To be the expert in the ECCH clinical audit programme and its embedding in practice. Conduct staff appraisals using constructive performance review and establish Personal Development Plans. Participate in the recruitment and selection of staff as the need arises. To ensure effective communication with all staff, irrespective of working pattern, and encourage staff involvement in decision making and changes affecting them. All roles within East Coast Community Healthcare CIC (ECCH) require staff to demonstrate our Values and Signature Behaviours in the care and service they provide to patients, service users, stakeholders and colleagues. All members of staff should consider these as an essential part of their job role. Our Values outline the core behaviours that we can all achieve and are summarised as an acronym within the word CARE. These stand for: Compassion, Action, Respect and Everyone. Underpinning our Values are our Signature Behaviours which highlight by taking the right actions we continue to build a strong culture. Our four Signature Behaviours are: Compassion - We Listen, We Learn, We Lead| Action - My Accountability, My Responsibility | Respect - Respect Our Resources: People, Time and Money | Everyone - Work Together, Achieve Together.