Comprehensive needs assessment and care planning ensuring this is holistic, person centred, co-produced utilisingDIALOG+ Specialist clinical assessments and care delivery in line withbest and evidence based practice with reference to NICErecommendations Safeguarding awareness, alert raising Awareness and implementation of MHA and relevant legalframeworks. Good report writing and presentation of cases Trauma informed practice Carers support and Psychoeducation Liaison and interface with other agencies Ensuring that a service user centred multi-disciplinaryapproach to care is present To take an active role in direct service user care and act as arole model at all times Demonstrate an understanding of the Care Act associatedresponsibilities within your role Ensuring that care reflects individual and cultural needstaking into account any reasonable adjustments that may berequired Understand and apply the aims and principles of healthpromotion, protection and improvement and the prevention ofill health when engaging with people Undertake training and assessment to expand clinical skillsand knowledge relevant to clinical practice needs. Ensure that the clinical environment is pleasant, clean,comfortable and suitable for use at all times liaising with otherdepartments as necessary. Safe clinical management of theclinic room and equipment