To assist the ServiceLead in providing strong and effective managementthrough:
* Promoting the Council'sCorporate Values and ensuring the Council's Vision, Values andObjectives are achieved by providing a clear sense of purpose anddirection within the accountancyfunction.
* Supporting service area projects, asrequired.
* Participating in corporate projectsand initiatives, as required.
* Building positiveworking relationships with CouncilMembers.
* Promoting equal opportunities, accessto services and tackling discrimination both within and outside theCouncil.
* Interpret, review and present data togive advice on decisions relating to service delivery andprocurement issues.
* Ensure that financialmanagement systems and operational procedures comply withstatutory, corporate guidance and best practice. Responsible forimplementing all legislative changes across the service and Councilas a whole. This will include any changes to financial ICT systems,policies, and procedures.
* For ensuring thepayment of approximately 62,000 supplier invoicesannually.
* For monitoring outstanding debt onthe Balance Sheet and ensuring processes and procedures are robustand implemented for debt recovery.
* For ensuringall income and expenditure into the Council is accurately recordedfor VAT and accounting purposes. Including responsibility for theCouncil's partial exemption calculation.
* Ensureservice processes and procedures are sufficiently robust to preventand detect benefits and associatedfraud.
* Maintaining strict confidentiality ofall personal and computerised data in accordance withlegislation.
Ensure sound and robustleadership and management of the teamthrough:
* Continuously reviewingopportunities to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of theteam including the delivery of continuous improvement and bestvalue.
* Ensuring high quality, expert financialadvice is provided by supporting the team to develop their skillsand knowledge.
* Effective financial managementand ensuring effective financialcontrol.
* Effective human resource management,encompassing implementation of the Council's Human ResourceManagement policies, procedures andguidance.
* Effective performance management,including implementation of the Council's performance managementpractices.
* Effective Health and Safetymanagement, including implementation of the Council's Health andSafety policies, procedures, andpractices.
* Embedding the Council's agreed RiskAssessment practices.
Financial Accounting: Leading in providing the servicearea with accurate and effective financial advice, covering allaspects of financialaccounting.
* Financial Accounting:Developing and implementing technical advice to the service area.This will involve close liaison and working with lead officers. Thepost holder will be required to use knowledge and experience tomake judgments as to appropriate solutions toproblems.
* Financial Accounting: Ensure theresilience and accuracy of data held within the Council's financialmanagement system.
* Financial Accounting:Production of the draft financial statements by deadline andcompliant with accountancy guidance. The post holder will berequired to maintain CPD.
* FinancialAccounting: Ensuring all statutory returns are completed andsubmitted by the deadline.
* Working with theService Lead and other finance officers to develop a best practicefinancial management system to improve servicequality.
* Member of the accountancy managementteam
* Assisting the Service Lead in themanagement and development of the accountancy function, anddeputising when required.
* Preparing committeereports where there are financial implications. Attendingcommittees to present reports asrequired.
* Liaising with officers andmembers.
* The post holder will be expected touse their own resources, judgment, and initiative in order toprovide a high quality, effective and efficient service to theservice area.
* Any other duties commensuratewith the grade.
Promoteequality as an integral part of the role, treating everyone withfairness and dignity.
* Comply with WBChealth and safety policies, procedures and rules, taking reasonablecare of self and others.
* Adhere to thestandards set out in the WBC competencyframework.
CCAB Qualified Accountant/ Local authority experience