Here is an exciting opportunity for you to join us as a research nurse Band 5 or 6 based on your experience.
Youwillbepartofateamofresearchnurses,clinicalresearchpractitionersandadministrativestaff providing a comprehensive clinical research support service (including covid research).The role will involve recruitment, education, and monitoring of research participants intovarious research studies, along with the collection and documentation of accurate data. Thepost holder will be expected to put in place clear recruitment and retention strategies forparticipants.
The Trust is part of the NIHR (National Institute for Health and Care Research) Research Delivery Network (RDN) and as aResearch Nurseyou will be responsible formanagingthecarepathwaysofparticipants,patients,andcarersinresearchstudiesfromtheTrust’s active research portfolio.You will also need to maintain good communication withothermembersoftheteam,hospitaldepartments,trialsponsorsand theRDN.
You will have responsibility for the delivery of direct and indirect participant care within yourcaseload, working collaboratively with members of the multi-disciplinary research teams andwhereapplicableinaccordancewiththeUKpolicyframeworkforhealthandsocialcare,TheMedicinesforHumanUse(ClinicalTrials)Regulations2004andtheInternationalConferenceonHarmonisationGood Clinical PracticeGuideline (ICH-GCP).
The role involves using an in-depth knowledge of clinical research protocols and theirapplication in practice, alongside a working knowledge and compliance with local, nationalandinternationalresearchregulationstoensureeffectiverunningofresearchstudiesandthemaintenanceandcomplianceto appropriate researchgovernancestandards.
Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust is now one of the largest in the country, with a workforce of approximately 15,000 who serve a population of 1.2 million people.
We work together, and in conjunction with MSE Health and Care Partnership, to deliver excellent local and specialist services, to improve the health and wellbeing of our patients in a compassionate way, and provide a respectful, but vibrant place for staff to develop, innovate and build careers.
From facilities through to consultant specialists we want to be the best, to achieve this we need to recruit not just those who are the finest in their field but also those who have the potential to be. Yes, experience is important but so is outlook – if you are dynamic, forward-thinking and enthusiastic we want you to join us.
We not only offer you a good working environment with flexible working opportunities, but also the opportunity to develop your career with access to appropriate training for your job and the support to succeed and progress
If you are interested in this post, for full details of the Vacancy, please refer the attached JD.
We look forward for your application.
This advert closes on Friday 14 Feb 2025