The Advanced Clinical Pharmacist for Virtual Ward is a new role within Livewell SW and the Pharmacy Team. The post holder with the support of the Lead Pharmacist for Virtual Wards will be leading and delivering a high quality, clinical pharmacy service to Virtual Ward areas, and working in partnership with our System partners to maximise seamless transfers of care and maximise best outcomes for the patients. The post holder will be responsible for the coordination of clinical pharmacy services to the Virtual Wards, utilising a holistic approach to support medicines optimisation is a variety of settings. They will lead on and develop clinical audits and quality improvement within Virtual Wards and have the opportunity be involved in research and further develop their career. As the Advanced Clinical Pharmacist for Virtual Wards, you will have input into the strategic development of Medicines Optimisation in Virtual Ward Services and hold a highly visible role within the organisation. You will be a pharmacist with a passion and commitment in this area who wants to help develop the service whilst ensuring medicine related governance is in place, bringing the additional skills of an experienced pharmacist to the team. You will support and help develop the Virtual Ward pharmacy team and a range of other healthcare professionals within Virtual Wards, including NMPs in medicines optimisation and related initiatives to the highest clinical pharmacy standards.