To gain a good understanding of all hardware platforms as used in the business' projects, such that a small team of assembly technicians are able to integrate the total hardware solution effectively. The person will be able to power-up the total hardware solution to ensure that the execution of the customer FAT can start as per agreed schedules and without known quality issues. The Integration Centre activities are executed in line with applicable safety and quality standards.
* Acts as a technical supervisor to a small group of assembly technicians in their daily activities to ensure that works are executed as per requirements
* Is responsible for the powering up the different hardware platforms so that the total hardware solution can be handed over to the project engineering for application software loading & testing
* Is responsible for completing electrical inspection and testing prior to power up of hardware (Earth Bond and Flash Testing if required)
* Authorised Electrical Person - Responsible for issue of electrical connection notice (Lock out Tag Certs ETC.) and all Isolation, De-isolation and Connection of electrical equipment
* Maintains register and is responsible for setup and connection of legacy test equipment as part of FAT to simulate customer plant
* Maintains register and is responsible for setup and connection of Test Racks required for Safety Systems
* Ensures that after the finalization ...