Role: Personal Adsvisor
Purpose of Role:
To that young people who have left care make a successful transition from childhood into adulthood. Personal Advisers are responsible for delivering a high-quality service to young people who were formerly accommodated. The role is to ensure good outcomes for young people over the age of 18 and to ensure that their life chances are enhanced. The Personal Adviser will provide support, advice and assistance to enable young people to maximise education, training, work and accommodation opportunities.
Key competencies required:
* To work with care leavers with multiple and complex needs, including (but not limited to) social exclusion, poor education attainment, vulnerability to exploitation including CSE and gang involvement, sexually harmful behaviour, anti-social behaviour, substance misuse, poor mental health and unstable family relationships.
To write reports (e.g. Pathway Plans inclusive of Needs Assessments), maintain up to date paper and computer records and attend any meetings in relation to young people to whom you are providing or have provided a service.
To arrange and chair Personal Educational Plan for statutory school age young people.
To motivate and engage young people in developing and implementing pathway plans, ensuring that young people make use of the services provided.
To work in co-operation with a range of statutory and voluntary sector agencies and professionals to ensure the effective co-ordination and provision of services to young people. To advocate on behalf of young people and liaise with other agencies and professionals, in relation to their accommodation, health, employment, training, immigration and other relevant issues.
To keep social workers and managers informed when a care leaver could be at risk of harm to themselves or others or where more comprehensive assessment of need or more support is indicated. To monitor the welfare of children and young people, including in regards to child protection and safeguarding issues and to contribute to plans of action resulting in attendance at Child Protection Conferences and Core Group meetings etc.
To carry out assessments of independent living skills and to support young people to develop a comprehensive range of practical and emotional skills to equip them to live more independently.
If this is something you'll be interested in then please apply or contact Mia for more info