Job Title : Head of Art and DT
Reporting To: Director of Studies
Key Tasks & Responsibilities
Management Responsibilities:
· Overall responsibility for the quality of teaching and learning in the department and for ensuring that all the pupils in the department are making excellent progress, by developing and implementing policies and practices that promote effective teaching and learning.
· The ongoing management, monitoring, and support of the teaching staff in the department, both informally and through appraisal.
· To oversee the development of Art and DT in the whole school from Pre-School to Year 8.
· To lead the Art and DT department, including fully supporting the school development plan.
· To prepare children for local / national competitions and for 13+ scholarships to senior schools.
· To make staff aware of National Curriculum and Scholarship changes and trends where necessary.
· To ensure that the school is excelling according to ISI judgements for the areas which fall within responsibility of this role.
· To ensure that all regulatory requirements are met, all school policies are followed, and that good practice predominates.
· To update and review the scheme of work annually.
· To monitor the delivery of the scheme of work in all year groups.
· To write and oversee the writing of medium-term and short-term plans.
· To attend courses relevant to the teaching of Art and DT and to disseminate information to relevant staff.
· To maintain and support the Art and DT department budget.
· To attend Parent Consultation Evenings and to write reports for parents at the end of the academic year.
· To attend meetings with other Heads of Department from IAPS / HMCj schools and liaise with Heads of Department from senior schools in the district.
Teacher Responsibilities:
· Set and maintain good standards of discipline and behaviour inside and outside the classroom.
· To promote Art and DT throughout the school and encourage enjoyment through wide participation.
· Plan, present and mark work in a professional manner and in accordance with school policies.
· Ensure full knowledge and compliance with school policies.
· Complete and oversee risk assessments with relation to Art and DT activities.
· Perform break, lunch, after school prep duties as part of the staff duty rota.
· Maintain a happy working environment in the classroom, including displays of children’s work.
· Play a full role in the extra-curricular life of the school, including the school’s extra curricular (clubs) programme.
· Organise subject outings.
· Cover classes for absent colleagues as required.
· Actively support the marketing function of the school.
· Co-ordinate and promote departmental enrichment activities, including cross-curricular opportunities with other departments.
· Liaise with the Director of Studies over curricular / academic concerns regarding pupils.
· Liaise with the Deputy Head over pastoral and behavioural concerns regarding pupils.
· Liaise with the Head of Learning Enhancement and AGT Coordinator over concerns relating to SEN, EAL or AGT pupils, and ensure that strategies for dealing with pupils with learning support requirements are developed.
· Represent the school at area IAPS / HMCj subject meetings when required.
· Keep up to date with educational issues and attend in service training as required.
· Be an excellent role model for the pupils.
· Fully support the ethos and aims of the school.
· Complete any other tasks which the Head reasonably requests of you.
Key Skills required:
· Degree-level education in Art and / or Design Technology, or a relevant discipline with appropriate postgraduate professional qualifications and experience in schools.
· An inspirational practitioner.
· An excellent team player with the ability to lead and work with a small team but also to work independently.
· Good understanding of independent schools and their rationale.
· To have the personality, enthusiasm, and gravitas to be an outstanding ambassador for the school.
A full run-down of skills and qualities we are seeking can be downloaded in the .
Application Procedure:
Applications should be made using the application form. Candidates are asked to add a covering letter setting out, as succinctly as possible, their reasons for applying for the position.
Application forms are available from the College website .
Please send any emails to .
A full curriculum vitae and the names, addresses and telephone numbers of a minimum of three referees, one of whom should be the candidate’s current or most recent employer should be included with the application.
Closing date: 18 April 2025
Interviews: w/c 28 April 2025
The College reserves the right to call individuals to interview prior to the closing date for applications.