Support the development of multi-agency risk management plans and ensure the procedures for managing risk of significant harm are followed, seeking appropriate advice and authorisation from managers where required. Develop and strengthen effective strategic, multi-agency partnerships. Assess procedures, systems and pathways of existing provision and teams and identify areas for improvement. Lead on CTR/CETR (Care (Education) & Treatment Review) recommendations/ actions ensuring they are completed in a timely manner. Facilitate the provision of interventions to prevent admission to inpatient settings where appropriate. Identify, guide and refer to other services where needed i.e. short break provision. Focus on prevention and early intervention ensuring that the young person is eligible for annual health checks, including health action plan, primary care passport and hospital passport. Support families to encourage and cope with young people wanting to become more independent, which can be difficult for families. Establish strong links with education, training and employment services to enable school/college/university/employment readiness and inclusion. Work co-operatively, constructively and coproduce personalised plans within a complex changing and forward-looking environment. Produce reports on completed work including recommendations for future service provision and gaps in services. Be responsible for ensuring compliance with the national Key Worker/Navigator metrics. Hold services across the system to account where action plans are in place or actions have been agreed. Provide services with advice on appropriate reasonable adjustments for young people based on their profile.