Fixed term till the 4th of August 2026
Come and join the department that is rated in the top 2% for emergency medicine in the GMC national training survey.
We are looking to welcome new colleagues to join an enthusiastic, motivated and supportive Emergency Department team. You will work in the Emergency Department at Victoria Hospital, Kirkcaldy, which opened in 2012. The department has an annual attendance of over 72000.
The department includes an 8-bay resuscitation area, a 9 bay majors area, a 6 bay minors area and 2 paediatric consulting rooms. There is a dedicated Procedures room and a 6 bedded Emergency Medicine Observation Unit which admits primarily toxicology and head injury patients. There is access to electronic pathology and radiology ordering. Departmental guidelines, protocols and rotas are on the departmental intranet web pages. We perform well in key areas such as sepsis, stroke thrombolysis and trauma.
The Emergency Department has 24-hour senior doctor presence, (21 Consultant Emergency physicians) with current shop floor consultant presence daily from 0800 to 2300. We have 5 GPwSI who deliver regular sessions throughout the week and at weekends. There are daily ENP sessions to help with the minors flow.
There is a co-located GP OOH service in the evenings and at weekends, allowing redirection of appropriate patients. A formal redirection policy is in operation., During this period, you will work for 12 months as an additional member of the junior tier (maximum 48 hours per week), with shop floor teaching focusing on prioritisation of workload, formulation of investigation and management plans. There is a departmental teaching programme which includes micro-teaching and simulation. You will have access to CPD time of 4 hours per 48 hours of clinical activity.
Successful applicants will be encouraged to take part in departmental audit, quality improvement, journal club and help deliver teaching sessions to junior colleagues, medical students and nursing staff with consultant support. Previous post-holders have presented their CPD / audits at national conferences and have been successful in obtaining posts in ACCS EM training or allied specialties. You will be expected to maintain an e-portfolio and undertake an annual appraisal. Each clinical development fellow will be allocated a consultant educational supervisor to support their clinical and professional development.