Clinical Support: Arrange patient appointments, referrals, tests, and follow-up appointments. Complete basic clinical observations, including dipstick urine tests, blood pressure monitoring, ECG, and phlebotomy. Assist the GP with immunisations and wound care. Prepare patients for GP consultations, including taking brief histories and basic readings. Assist in explaining treatment procedures to patients. Administrative Support: Complete basic forms and core elements of documents (e.g., insurance, mortgage, and benefits forms) for GP approval. Liaise with external agencies (e.g., arranging advice or admissions with on-call doctors while the GP continues consultations). Sort and prioritise clinical post and signpost it to the appropriate staff. Extract relevant information from clinical letters and update patient records accordingly. Support Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) reviews. Professional Development: Participate in annual performance reviews. Track and record experience against the national competency framework. Address any concerns regarding the role with the lead GP and request professional development as needed. Recognize professional boundaries and seek assistance when necessary.