Navigation and Coordination Provide support to access the right help at the right time across complex systems particularly the transition between children and adults services. Build relationships and support coordination across the system. Coordinate provision, care and assessments related to the child or young person, working with other agencies and services to ensure agreed actions are carried out - (inc. those agreed as part of Care Education Treatment Review - CETRs) Follow-up on any actions from CETRs to ensure they have been assigned, and that progress is being made Involvement in the young persons life needs to be flexible and based on need Hold services across the system to account where action plans are in place or actions have been agreed. Produce reports on completed work including recommendations for future service provision and gaps in services. Develop and strengthen effective strategic, multi-agency partnerships Communicate clearly with the child, young person and their family to help them understand and navigate the system, for example conveying complex legal and medical information around Tier 4 admissions in a clear, accessible way. Work with services to increase understanding of the child/young person and family including their strengths, ambitions and support needs. Coordinate assessments. Maintain/hold responsibility for continuity of care and support for the child or young person Facilitate the provision of interventions to prevent admission to in-patient settings where appropriate and support to facilitate transition out of secure settings. Identify, guide and refer to other services where needed e.g. carer support services, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS), short breaks provision etc. Support to navigate statutory and non-statutory services within the community. Tracking the young person's progress on outcomes and facilitates a gradual 'step-down' programme where appropriate. Maintain clear, accurate records of work with each young person in accordance with local procedures on record keeping. Keep up-to-date records and support the evaluation of the project, providing relevant data and anonymised case studies. Assess procedures, systems and pathways of existing provision and teams and identify areas for improvement. Identify gaps in local and regional service provision, and evaluate what is/isn't working Identify changes that would increase flexibility, integration, joined-up working, improve communication and above all lead to better outcomes for children and young people with autism and/or learning disability. Support at home and in the community as an alternative to admission Coordinate care on behalf of the young person and their family to support community living. Supporting families to access Personal Budgets, to enable greater choice and control over their child/young persons care. Advise services on appropriate adjustments for the young person based on their autism profile. Support discharge from specialist services. Support settlement within community support. Exploring digital ways of support including through the use of apps Champion of Autism Support colleagues across the system to become autism aware and provide autism friendly services. Model strategies relevant for children, young people and families with autism increasing levels of understanding. Actively listen so as to accurately capture and then convey the lived experience of the child or young person and their family Seek and offer supervision and/or support where appropriate. Rethink systems and approaches, based on what is in the best interests of children and young people. Flexible and person-centred Delivery of flexible, personalised and child-centred support, to ensure the complex and often varying needs of children, young people and their families are met. Use creative and accessible ways to communicate with children and young people with a range of communication needs, e.g. using pictures or role plays, to agree a set of outcomes for the Keyworking intervention. Provision of an open and revolving door to allow young people to return and reconnect with their key worker to help with de-escalation, avoid crisis and re-admission. Offer flexible service hours and sufficient out of hours provision, to support the flexible, personalised nature of keyworking support provided. Independence and Empowerment Support young people to develop their own solutions, led by their needs, wants and aspirations. Encourage young people to develop their own networks of support. Facilitate the provision and implementation of tailored behavioural and emotional support to help a child or young person and their families develop skills for progress and self-management to meet their agreed goals and outcomes. Develop an autism profile that helps an autistic person to understand their strengths and areas of support. Provide information, support, and advice to ensure that autistic people can access support they want when they need it. Support parents to access and implement support and tools for managing behaviour. Create and encourage a culture which prioritises keeping children and young people within the home and local community by persuasively communicating with a range of teams and services and staff at different levels of seniority. Keep track of young persons progress to gauge ongoing support requirements and address any challenges. Support my Voice Advocate and challenge on behalf of the young person, including attending Multi-Disciplinary Teams (MDTs) and escalating issues where required. Be a trusted person who actively listens and understands the young people and families they are supporting. Represent and champion the young person and their family in discussions around provision of care as required, communicating compassionately with the young person and their family and communicating confidently with the range of professionals involved in their care. Challenge inpatient admissions to ensure they are measured, appropriate and necessary. This may involve intervention, working with services to prevent admission to inpatient settings where appropriate. Troubleshoot on behalf of the child, young person and their family where required to ensure the necessary support is put in place to enable them to remain within or be discharged into the community and to promote joined-up, consistent care that meets their needs and rights. This may involve constructively challenging the status quo, bureaucratic decision making and decision making in silos. Any other task relevant to the role. Please see the JD and Person Specification for full details