This post is fixed term for 2 years from start date. The key focus of this post is to progress the development of the transformational partnership working approach which has driven the development of the STRIVE (Safeguarding Thorough Rapid Intervention). In line with Clackmannanshire Councils Target operating Model, this post will deliver effective rapid support to people with multiple needs at the earliest point, thus reducing re-referral and service generated delay or cost. As this transformational partnership approach has developed it has become clear that there are considerable shared priorities across the following areas of need:
* Alcohol and Drugs
* Community Justice
* Anti-Social Behaviour/Community Safety
* Homelessness
* Violence Against Women and Girls
* Child and Adult Support and Protection
The intention of this two year fixed term post is to deliver transformational change by connecting activity relating to the problematic issues above. The post holder will also identify gaps and opportunities through the work of the STRIVE team and the various strands of community engagement activity being undertaken. By streamlining and aligning activity across these areas, the post holder will:
* Effectively manage, evaluate and develop the STRIVE team
* Manage effective engagement with community members who have lived experience of these issues.
* Develop connections across Clackmannanshire to avoid duplication and ensure early access to the right support at the right time for people affected by the issues outlined above.
* Assist with the development of multidisciplinary community and placed based approaches
* Work collaboratively with key strategic partners to realise local place based and community led responses.