Job description
In need for a Youth Offending – Case Manager in Westmorland and Furness.
1. To work together with members of the multi-agency Youth Justice Service and other relevant agencies and individuals, to deliver high quality youth justice services to children, young people and their families aimed at preventing offending and re-offending.
2. To make accurate and detailed assessments in relation to risk of harm to the public, risk of re-offending and other offence related needs in order to allocate appropriate and targeted resources to the reduction and prevention of youth offending, using the current nationally recognised assessment tool – ASSET+.
3. To prepare pre-sentence and other court reports to national and other relevant standards.
4. To supervise and manage pre-sentence interventions including bail information, bail assessment and bail support and support for those clients denied bail, including remands to Local Authority Accommodation and Custody.
5. To supervise and manage Youth Justice Community Interventions in line with national and other relevant standards.
This is a locum role on ongoing basis.
Experience needed, but not required Social Work qualification.
Please apply to it or call Neven on 07936348296!