Cancer Alliances are unique. We are the primary vehicle for delivery of the NHS Long Term Plan ambitions for cancer and improvements in cancer performance. Bycollaborating across organisational boundaries, we put the patient at the heart of what we do. In other words, creating a culture and systems which empowers people to do the right thing.
Therefore, this is a unique and exciting role for the next step in your career!
We need an experienced healthcare Programme Manageraspart of a dynamic team to drive forward the adoption of large scale clinical transformation and change to improve outcomes for patients and enable successful delivery of the ambitions of the Long-Term Plan for Cancer.
We offer those joining us a new challenge in a fast pace and forward-thinking innovation and improvement environment. If you are passionate about making a difference to cancer care as our team is, this is the role for you. You will be supported by a robust orientation and structured development pathway.
Main duties of the role:
The post holder will be responsible for:
Managing multiple programmes across early and faster diagnosis, treatment and personalised care, including supporting the implementation of strong governance, protocols, and project controls.
Delivering successfullycomplex strategic healthcare projects working in partnership across organisational boundaries and to achieve results through others who may not be direct reports.
Building internal and external relationships which deliver improvements and efficiencies and work across organisational boundaries.
Managing the development of policy and strategy for the delivery of key projects.
Working closely with partner programmes and organisations, to ensure their priorities and deliverables are aligned to the Cancer Alliance’s objectives.
Engaging extensively with stakeholders to ensure they are part of the design and delivery of cancer transformation projects.
To act as a champion for patients and their interests and involve the public and patients in the policy development and decision-making of SWAG CA.
To create an inclusive working environment where diversity is valued, everyone can contribute, and everyday action ensure we meet our duty to uphold and promote equality.
Cancer Alliances are responsible for leading the planning and delivery of cancer services and for leading work across their local system to:speed up cancer pathways, diagnose cancer earlier and improve survival, improve patient experience and quality of life, and reduce health inequalities in cancer services.
SWAG CA is hosted by North Bristol NHS Trust for the purposes of formal employment and the provision of back-office support to the Cancer Alliance.
The post holder is hybrid working with a minimum of 40% office based within the SWAG CA geography.
The post holder will be required to travel across the South West.
North Bristol NHS Trust employs over 12,000 staff providing healthcare to the residents of Bristol, South Gloucestershire and North Somerset from our award-winning hospital building at Southmead. We are the regional Major Trauma Centre, and an internationally recognised centre of excellence in a range of services and major specialities. Our vision is that by enabling our teams to be the best that they can be, we will provide exceptional healthcare, personally delivered.
North Bristol NHS Trust values all people as individuals. We aim to be an anti-discriminatory organisation and are committed to building a team that represents a variety of backgrounds, perspectives, and skills. We welcome applicants from all underrepresented groups.
Working as part of a dynamic team, the post holder will lead and support quality improvement in complex pathways of care. The work includes developing effective programmes, working with a broad range of stakeholders, and large scale change management across several organisations.
Key Responsibilities and activities
Asseniorleadworkinginternallyandexternallytodeliverprojects, initiatives, and services to time and in a cost-effective way.
Tosupporttheidentificationandsharingofbestpracticetosupport service improvement.
Supporttheportfolioofprogrammes/projectsindemonstratingvaluefor money tracking, managing, and delivering agreed benefits.
Provideadviceandpreparestrategicreportsandbriefingsfordirectors and stakeholders.
Planning and Organisation
Ensure projects, services and initiatives are delivered on time, to qualitystandardsandinacost-effectivemanner,adjustingplansasrequired.
Determinethestrategicplanningofprojects, identifying interdependencies across projects/functions, potential impacts on wider organisation, resource requirements and building in contingency and adjustments as necessary.
Determinethedevelopmentofperformanceandgovernancestrategies and the development and implementation of improvement programmes, in accordance with Service Sector priorities.
Determineshort, medium, and long-termbusinessplans,achieving quality outcomes.
Toworkcollaborativelywiththeregionalandnationalprogramme teams and other key stakeholders to ensure that the defined programmes deliver improvements in outcomes for patients.
To lead the planning, delivery, and assurance of large-scale programmes of quality improvement which support commissioners inachievingoutcomeambitionsforpatients.Thiswillrequirestrong project and programme management skills.
Todevelopandutilisespecialistknowledgeandexperience in cancer care,related to the use of network models and improvement science to achieve step changes in quality across complex pathways and systems ofcare.
Tomanage andmaintaincredibilitywithallthekeyplayerswithin thealliancecommunity,fosteringacultureofcollaborationforthe delivery of equitable, high-quality care. At times this will include acting as an ‘honest broker’ reconciling conflicting views andinterests.
Tounderstand,communicateandimplementnationalpolicy through alliance improvement activities.
Tokeepabreastofnationalbestpractice,ensuringthisisshared and widespread adoption secured through advanced influencingskills.
To foster a culture of innovation, through working in collaboration withacademicandeducationstructuressuchasHealth Innovation Networks, CLAHRCs and Local Education and TrainingBoards.
Toestablishandmaintainrobustandsystematicgovernance arrangements for improvement project activities.
Toestablishandmaintainhighlyeffectivecommunicationroutesto meetthe needs of a diverse range of stakeholderinterests.
Enabling Clinical Leadership
Toensurethatclinicalleadershipiscentraltothedeliveryofall alliance activities.
To work collaboratively across the Cancer Alliance, regionally and nationally tofosterand promote acultureofclinicalengagementandinfluenceensuring alliance improvement initiatives are truly clinically led.
To ensure widespread multidisciplinary involvement including doctors,nurses,alliedhealthprofessionalsandclinicalscientistsin pathway improvement.
Enabling patient and public involvement
Toactasachampionforpatientsandtheirinterestsandinvolve the public and patients in policy development and decision-making.
To ensure patients, and their carers, are actively engaged in allianceactivities.Particularfocusisneededonensuringpathways of care are patient centred.
Promoting equality and reducing inequalities
Toupholdorganisationalpoliciesandprinciplesonthe promotion of equality.
To create an inclusive working environment where diversity is valued,everyonecancontribute,andeverydayactiontoensurewe meet our duty to uphold and promote equality.
Policy and Service Development
Haveresponsibilityfordevelopingpolicyandprocedurewithinown discipline/field, including briefings, commissioning, business, orresources.
Responsibleforproposinganddraftingchanges,implementationand interpretation to policies, guidelines, and service level agreements (SLA’s) which may impact within Department or Directorate.
Proposeschangestoownproject/serviceandmakerecommendations for other projects/service delivery.
People Management
Responsible for the day-to-day range of staff management matters, whichwillincluderesponsibilityforsupportingappraisals,development of staff, recruitment, and where necessary employee relations matters.
Developtheacquisition,organisation,provisionanduseofknowledge and information.
Draftingreportssummarisingstatusonissues,appraisingoutcomes, and providing progress reports.
Collate as required, qualitative and quantitative information and lead appropriateanalysistodeveloprobustbusinesscasesandcontribute to delivery of ‘products’ and service improvement.
Analyse,interpretandpresentdatatohighlightissues,risksand support decision making.
Financial and Physical Resources
Responsibleformatchingtheavailablebudgettotheappropriatestaff resources and projects and for ensuring that the budget breaks even,coordinatingandmonitoringexpenditure.
Responsible for supporting the commissioning of projects and procurement of services to support project delivery, acting in accordancewithStandingOrdersandStandingFinancialInstruction.
Providefinancialreportstothe ManagingDirectorandtheBoardasrequired.
Act in a way that is compliant with Standing Orders and Standing Financial Instructions in the discharge of this responsibility.
Constantly strive for value for money and greater efficiency in the use of budgets, and to ensure that they operate in recurrent financial balance year on year.
Partnership and cross boundary working
Toensurelinksandcollaborationbetweentheallianceandthe varying strategic clinical networks where there are synergies in pathways and work priorities.
To engage and develop collaborations for quality improvement across whole health communities, for the realisation of equitable accesstoqualitycareandtheachievementofoutcomeambitions for all patients.
Toworkwithotherstructures,includingHealth Innovation Networks, aligning innovation, education, informatics, and qualityimprovement.
Toworkwithnationallevelbodiesensuringalignmentofpolicyand service transformation for patients.
Leadership for transformational change
To model a collaborative and influencing style of working, negotiating with others to achieve the best outcomes. Embedding this approach across the alliance.
To be a highly motivated individual, demonstrating a transformational leadership style and adopt a flexible approach to meet the competing demands of the role.
This advert closes on Saturday 21 Dec 2024