The Antenatal Receptionist is the first point of contact for women andtheirpartners visiting the clinic. They will provide a full reception service, including meeting and greeting all attendees to the clinic reception area, offeringa high levelof administrative support to theclinical teams, ensuring theaccuratecompletion of registration details,maintainingaccuratecomputerisedrecordsand dealing with queries in a sympathetic andappropriate manner.
The postholder willbe responsible forproviding clerical support to the back office for the preparation of the Antenatal Clinics.This will involve the prepping of patients notes for consultant and scan clinics, arranging routine appointments, scanning of paperwork to patient records, data validation and answering the phone.
The Antenatal Clinic is a busy outpatient area, with multiple clinics running each day, from specialist obstetric and midwife-led clinics to emergency and routine ultrasound scans. The post-holder will be expected to understand the breadth of the service, and the importance of each related part.
• Toopen clinic in the morning, ensuring the area is ready to welcome women for theirappointments
• Tocheckwomeninand out of clinicusing the relevant computer systems
• Book routinemidwife and obstetricappointments
• To receive enquiriesin person and over the phoneand deal with them in a prompt, professional manner to ensureaccurateinformation isgiven
• Rearrangeroutine clinic/scanappointments asrequired
• To respond quickly to changing situations and prioritise workload with a view to resolving problems within limits, and to escalate appropriately to antenatal administrators, the team leader, or clinicalcolleagues
• Tomaintainconfidentially andadhere to the Data Protection Act at alltimes
• To be an effective team member, raising any concerns or queries to the attention of theSupportManagerand/orClinic Managerina timely, manner
• To be fully aware of the implications of the Health and Safety at Work Act and the Trust’s associated policies
• To undertake routine clerical work and associated tasksdeemedappropriate atthis level.
North Bristol NHS Trust employs over 12,000 staff providing healthcare to the residents of Bristol, South Gloucestershire and North Somerset from our award-winning hospital building at Southmead.
We are an internationally recognised centre of excellence in a range of services and major specialties. Our vision is that by enabling our teams to be the best that they can be, we will provide exceptional healthcare, personally delivered.
We commit to treating each patient as an individual with respect and dignity, aiming to deliver excellent clinical outcomes and a first-class experience for everyone who uses our services.
We treat some of the most difficult medical conditions, in an increasingly complex and growing patient population, made even more complex by the challenges we face due to Covid-19. Yet we are confident in our ability to be ready for the next five years, even in these uncertain times. This is thanks to our understanding of the financial, capital and transformation actions we will need to take to deliver our ambitious strategy and objectives launched at the start of the year. Not only will we continue to increase our offer to you, our staff, but will work with you and our partners to make sure we achieve all we set out to do.
• To ensure the reception desk and area is kepttidy
• To check accuracy of patient demographics at every encounter, and update when necessary
• Maintain computerisedpatientrecords to ensure all records are completeand up todate
• Tomaintainmedical records by ensuring that all contents are correctly filed in theappropriateplace
• Take payment for scan images asrequired
• Open and distribute post appropriately andin a timelymanner
• RecordDNA’s(Did Not Attend)for services ensuring that the correct policy and protocol isfollowed
• Updatethe relevant clinical systemswithclinical and administrative information asrequired
• To arrange interpreters for appointments asrequired
• To prepare notes for consultantand sonographerclinics to include the printing of labels andreferrals
• To complete ‘cashing up’ for all appointments in the clinic, ensuring a clinical and administrative outcome is recorded, including adding to outpatient/inpatient waiting lists or discharging referrals whereappropriate.
• To liaise with staff in other departments asrequired
• To provide information toclinicalstaff when requested
• Toassistin the training of new members of staff
• To complete data validation tasks as directed by senior colleagues
• To have a flexible approach to help provide cover for colleagues to ensure that the reception desk has full cover for holidays and sickleave
• To undertake any other such dutiescommensuratewith the post
This advert closes on Thursday 20 Feb 2025