Warwick School is seeking to appoint a part-time Economics and/or Business Teacher (up to 0.8 FTE) from 1 September 2025. The post will be attractive to someone new to theprofession or a more experienced teacher. This is a great opportunity for a highly qualifiedand experienced individual, as the school seeks to build on the success of winningIndependent Boys School of the Year for 2022 and deliver on our vision of being the most
inspiring, rounded, and caring boys school in the UK.
The Economics and Business department currently comprises four teachers and is housed inspacious and well-equipped accommodation containing three classrooms, departmentallibrary and office.
The AQA specifications are followed for both A-Level Business and A-Level Economics. Demand for both subjects is increasingly strong with approximately ninety boys in each yeargroup opting to do one or both. The department prides itself on the fact that Business andEconomics-related degrees are the number one destination for Warwick School pupils,alongside a growing number of higher-level apprenticeships. Results are consistently goodand there are ambitious plans for the department in the future. The department offers a number of extracurricular activities, including: personal finance toyear 9; share dealing competitions; and, a variety of domestic and international trips.However, Young Enterprise is the most successful and popular extra-curricular activelywhere are students, in collaboration with Kings High School have won multiple awards in
recent history.
The Economics/Business Teacher will also work closely with senior staff in the otherFoundation Schools to ensure coordination and consistency and that pupils at WarwickSchool benefit from the best of both worlds.
For further details about therole and should you wish to apply please visit our website.
The closing date for submission of applications is Monday 27th January2025at 12 noon.Interviews will be held the w/c 3rd February 2025.