Homecare Administration
To co-ordinate Homecare processes in accordance with Standard Operating Procedures, safe working systems, and the legal framework for the Supply of Medicines. To maintain the EMIS drug files for prices, removal of out of use templates, contract reference maintenance, and contract pricing. To manage new drug file requests. To ensure SOPs and Forms are regularly updated on Q-Pulse and to notify staff of changes. To manage/support the appropriate electronic archiving of Homecare documentation.
To help with patient transitions when new contracts are awarded. To manage the complaints and incidents process and distribute prior to PPSA meetings. To manage IV Antimicrobial & HPN referrals. To support the Lead and Senior Pharmacy Technicians with reporting into relevant quality management systems.
To manage/support the daily Homecare Team huddle and attend other relevant huddles. To manage the generic email and efficiently and effectively resolve queries. To support the investigation and resolution of Datixes, and the reporting of deviations.