1. Deputise for the Clinical Services Support Manager.2. Develop and continuously review processes and systems within their area to ensure quality of service delivery.3. Develop and monitor key performance indicators, improve quality and the patient experience.4. Support the team in the delivery of the national performance targets in relation to the 18 weeks, choose & Book and cancer targets.5. Liaise with medical staff and multidisciplinary teams to ensure effective use of the outpatientand inpatient capacity.6. To be responsible for the co-ordination of appointments/dates for patients appearing on the7. To be responsible for ensuring the PTLs are validated on a weeklybasis to ensure data quality is maximised.8. To be responsible for ensuring all planned elective theatre activity isfully utilised.9. Represent the medical secretarial body and escalate issues where they cannot be managed.10.Work with medical teams to ensure that all patients are treated within national waiting times and where appropriate co-ordinate additional clinic sessions.11.To escalate any potential capacity issues to the Clinical Services Support Manager, in line with patient access protocols.12.Responsible for ensuring that the administration of the waiting list is managed in accordance with the Trusts Patient Access Policy.13.Responsible for the day to day management of the administration function within designated team.14.Responsible for ensuring accurate data entry of patient information onto PAS, in case notes and filing systems.15.To develop and promote team working across all departments.16.To assist the Clinical Services Support Manager in budget control.17.To attend and prepare for the Trust weekly theatre 6 4 2 activity meeting in relation to represent the spinal service.18.Resolve staffing issues, undertake appraisals, deal with disciplinary and grievance matters, recruitment and selection. Collate information relating to staff annual leave and sick leave.19.To be responsible for continuous personal development and identify areas of personal development to ensure high standards are achieved.20.To hold monthly team brief sessions, carrying out one to one meetings to ensure support in development needs and the teams.21.Devise and develop in-house departmental induction for all new staff.22.Foresee and plan for future requirements, e.g. annual and maternity leave to ensure continuity of service provision.23. Liaise with other managers to ensure team working across disciplines and clarity within the patient access service.