Production Manager working Mon-Fri Days, to cover a factory in Pontypool and also Bath, competitive salary on offer. The Business An £18m t/over business, one the leading and fastest growing packaging plants in the UK. Business set up in 08 and has grown by 20% each year since. We manufacture for a host of global brands such as Disney, BskyB, Chubb, Polypipe, Sephora, Halfords, Range and many other leading brands. Highly profitable Significant investment plan over 4 years, with £4m capex completed and a further £2m planned. 110 employees. Factory Pontypool & Bristol. Design, Manufacture and Distribution in house. Stable employer, strong growth experienced. Role: Production manager (Days). Management of days production facility of Pontypool & Bath plant. The manufacturing unit is a very busy operation under 1 roof. 100,000aq feet. Involves, printing, taping due cutting and speciality gluing as well as regular case making. Requires a mentally tough, agile, individual who is able to think very quickly on their feet. Factory consists of around 20 large machines and managing the flow of work to ensure continuity of flow and optimisation of the available space is a must. We process 7 full arctics of material through the plant each day. We operate a lean system with typically 4 days of raw materials and 2 days finished stocks. The operation runs just in time. We work to tight deadlines and production is close to capacity currently. Reporting to MD.