The Lead Transfusion Specialist Nurse/ODP/BMS is required to function strategically and operationally as an autonomous cross-site specialist, promoting safe and appropriate transfusion practice within the Trust and community hospitals delivering a transfusion service.
The post holder will be responsible for:
1. Assessing the training needs of approximately 2,500 staff across the RJAH footprint.
2. Maintaining and coordinating education programmes.
3. Designing, developing, and implementing new training ideas for nursing, medical, and multidisciplinary staff in the management of patients requiring and receiving blood and blood components.
4. Managing all aspects of clinical risk in this area and ensuring that agreed protocols are followed.
5. Providing specialist/technical support to the Blood Transfusion Department in relation to all aspects of the transfusion process, working in collaboration with the Blood Bank Biomedical Scientist (BMS) staff.
This role will also involve coordinating the Trust-wide response to fulfill Department of Health hemovigilance requirements such as the patient blood management framework, NICE (NG24) recommendations, Blood Safety and Quality Regulations 2005 (enforced by the competent authority of the MHRA), enabling the Trust to meet the requirements of Clinical Governance, the National Patient Safety Agency recommendations, Care Quality Commission regulations, and CPA and European directives associated with the transfusion process. The role is Trust-wide and duties cover all disciplines associated with the transfusion process.