JOB TITLE: Support Worker (Nights)
LOCATION: Morning Star House, Belfast
ACCOUNTABLE TO: Senior Support Worker / Service Manager
SALARY: £27,675 – £28,943 per annum
HOURS OF WORK: 46-hour week (3 on – 3 off rota)
JOB PURPOSE: To be part of the support team within Morning Star House assisting with the provisions of temporary accommodation and 24-hour support services for individuals experiencing homelessness.
o To be part of the staff team assisting Morning Star House to achieve its aims and objectives.
o To communicate effectively with staff, volunteers, and residents to ensure a comprehensive service is provided.
o To plan & manage the workload effectively.
o To positively encourage, support and implement the ethos and traditions of MSH.
o Provide support and advice to clients.
o Ensure that referrals are booked in and out of Morning Star House effectively and efficiently ensuring that voids are managed effectively.
o Undertake assessments of client need to ensure that referrals are fairly assessed with regard to their accommodation and support need.
o Ensure that immediate risks associated with any challenging behaviour are identified, the risk is communicated to members of the staff team and all reasonable and appropriate steps are taken to mitigate the risk.
o Establish and maintain appropriate professional boundaries with clients at all times and report any concerns to management.
o Liaise with external support agencies, where appropriate to ensure coordinated services and maximise opportunities for clients.
o Develop person-centred support plans and risk management plans. You will take the lead in ensuring that your team are developing suitable plans for each client.
o Promote client participation and principles of good customer care by providing information and advice, and ensure that the client is consulted on all aspects of their support where possible, encouraging them to:
+ manage their independent living skills including hygiene and personal and financial resources.
+ engage with support services within the hostel environment for the purposes of capacity building and upskilling.
+ aim to return to independent living in the community.
o Keep detailed case records on each individual key client and ensure this is replicated within the team.
o Monitor rent and service charge payments, and report any concerns to Management Team in a timely fashion.
o Assist residents with individually tailored resettlement plans, in conjunction with the Resettlement Worker, where appropriate.
o Accompany clients to appointments where necessary and as and when required at the request of the management.
o Manage breaches of the licence agreement, sensitively and efficiently and in accordance with Morning Star House policies and procedures. Reporting and recording all such breaches and seek advice where necessary.
o Ensure compliance with Morning Star House Health & Safety Policy and procedures and report any concerns to management. Contribute to the physical cleanliness standards within Morning Star House.
o Ensure fire safety equipment is monitored and tested regularly and to report and record any defects. Supervise evacuation procedures and contact the fire brigade etc. in the event of a fire or any equivalent incident.
o Act as First Aider and/or Fire Warden as required.
o Ensure that all areas of the accommodation including sleeping areas, kitchens and other internal and external areas are safe and secure for clients, staff, volunteers and visitors at all times.
o Ensure that no banned, illegal, prohibited, or stolen goods and materials are brought on to or remain on the premises.
o Attend supervision, training and meetings as and when required. (There may be a necessity for this to be outside normal working hours but notice will be given on such occasions).
o Participate in the setting and achieving of individual and scheme goals using a performance review procedure.
o Provide written reports and information as requested.
o Support in the provision of statistical information on referrals, clients’ assessments, arrears, incidents, complaints, performance indicators and other relevant management information, as directed by the line manager/management.
o Work within and promote all Morning Star House policies and procedures.
o Ensure that the Equality and Diversity Policy and Procedures are actively promoted in all areas of work and those services are relevant and accessible to all individuals.
o Awareness of and adherence to all relevant financial procedures and regulations and to report any discrepancies either on the part of the post-holder or others to the line manager/management immediately.
o Promote Morning Star House’s commitment to clients and user involvement, and to facilitate this in all areas of responsibility.
o Positively promote the work of Morning Star House to other organisations and not to do or say anything that could undermine the reputation of staff, volunteers of Morning Star House, its ethos and traditions.
o Take responsibility for the hostel in the absence of the Management Team, in accordance with procedures and agreed parameters.
o Maintain confidentiality in relation to any matter learned in connection with the work, including matters relating to other members of staff, volunteers, visitors, residents or organisational matters.
o Treat other staff members, volunteers and residents with due respect and regard to their beliefs, race, gender and sexuality and to promote, encourage and put into practice respect and understanding.
This job description outlines the general ways in which it is expected you will meet the overall requirements of this post.
The list of tasks is not exhaustive, and duties may be varied from time to time by the line manager. This job description is subject to regular review.
* Qualified to at least Grade A-C GCSE / O-Level in English & Maths or Equivalent. Other work-based knowledge will be considered in respect of qualifications.
* Ability to use I.T. systems – Microsoft Word, Excel, email and input information onto databases.
* Ability to implement competencies required for role including; high level communication skills, planning and organising skills, adaptable and capable of managing change, empathetic and tolerant and capable of dealing with challenges in a positive and solution-focused manner.
* Be registered or willing to register with NISCC before commencement of employment (you will be required to provide evidence of NISCC registration).
* Demonstrable experience of issues affecting those who are homeless with multi-complex needs.
* Experience working with similar service user group with service users who present with complex needs and challenging behaviour e.g. homelessness, addictions, residential setting (experience can be from paid/unpaid employment, voluntary work, student placement).
Application Form Support Worker (Nights)