Anticipated interview date(s): week commencing 16 December 2024
Job details
The role is 1.0 FTE and is for an initial fixed term of 18 months. However, it may be extended subject to future funding.
37 hours (30 hours during a 4-day working week)
Applicants will be interested to know that Rise is currently operating a 4-day working week. Full-time employees are gifted one day off per week (Fridays), but still paid a full-time salary. This reduces the working hours from 37 to 30 per week, but is not a contractual entitlement. Trials have shown that a 4-day working week can reduce stress and burnout, as well as levels of anxiety, fatigue, and sleep issues, but productivity levels are elevated.
Location / Flexible Working
We’d like to see you once a week in our North Tyneside office, but can be flexible in busy delivery periods. We are open to talking about flexible working options and could consider options as diverse as job sharing and annualised hours, such as term-time only.
Job summary
To identify, collect, digest, and summarise complex data and insight from a number of sources, and effectively communicate insight and learning to a wide range of internal and external stakeholders to support our place-based expansion work in Gateshead and South Tyneside.
To contribute to the gathering, assessment, and reporting of information and learning which will contribute towards improving the planning, delivery, and evaluation of sport and physical activity for communities facing inequalities across Gateshead and South Tyneside.