Ward Clerk (Band 2) - Forensics - Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust
Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust – Dartford, Kent
To provide comprehensive clerical support to the in-patient acute ward including clients and multidisciplinary teams within the ward environment, enabling the effective and efficient delivery of mental health services.
This post is based on the ward and requires an administrator who has experience of working within the NHS or a similar environment and an understanding of people with mental health problems. The successful candidate must have good clerical skills, interpersonal skills and be able to work within a multidisciplinary team. Administration skills with computer literacy to a competent level including word processing and data inputting is essential.
Our purpose is to improve lives by providing the best possible care to our patients and their families. This is strengthened by our new values:
* We Listen
* We Care
Responsibilities include:
1. Maintain accurate and up to date computer records including using Trust Clinical Database (RiO) as required by Ward manager or clinical staff.
2. Ensure information is updated e.g. care group lists; catchment areas etc.
3. Ensure that Admission Checklist is up-to-date and includes all relevant requirements.
4. After admission of patient, ensure that all information required on the Admission Checklist has been completed, chasing staff to complete where information has been missed.
5. Maintain training matrix for the ward, ensuring staff are up to date with mandatory training, pro-actively sending out reminders and chasing staff on behalf of Ward Manager.
6. Update Healthroster on a daily basis i.e. staff sickness, annual leave, shift changes etc for validation by Ward Manager and chase sickness certificates from staff as directed by Ward Manager.
7. Audit client observation sheet ensuring that information is completed i.e. Consultant’s name, what section patient is on, what level of observation and why on that level of observation. Check that observations have been carried out as per Directorate Policy, reporting any omissions to Ward Manager.
8. Ensure that Wand and infection control audit files are kept up to date, filing audits as received by nursing staff.
9. Ensure old Section 17 documentation is crossed through and filed in notes at the end of each week. Keep Section 17 and leave files up to date, ensuring old information is disposed of.
10. Ensure there are clean leave sheets in files at the beginning of the week.
11. Cover telephones to allow staff protected time with patients and protected meal times.
12. Ensure that Welcome Packs for patients and families/carers are maintained and accessible.
13. Allow access and egress from the ward area, collecting official visitors from reception as and when required e.g. Solicitors.
14. Ensure the ward area has enough patient information and leaflets.
15. Ensure notice board is kept up to date, removing out of date items.
16. Communicate between patients, patients’ families and liaise with ward staff as required.
17. Deal with queries from patients, relatives and multidisciplinary teams, both in person and on the telephone.
18. Responsible for implementing and maintaining effective patients and team filing systems, ensuring that patients records are kept safe, confidential and up to date.
19. Responsible for tracing, filing, scanning and archiving of medical ward notes as required.
20. Undertake photocopying, distributing material as required.
21. Order stationery, clinical supplies and maintain stock levels as required on the ward using e-requisitioning. Take delivery of stationery, supplies, checking they are correct.
22. Manage and distribute all post for ward staff and patients.
23. Log maintenance problems with facilities and pro-actively chase ensuring timely repairs.
24. Book transport for escorts of patients as and when required.
25. Attend staff meetings on the ward including taking of minutes for the team under direction of Ward Manager.