1. To maintain professional standards in accordance with Society of Radiographers policies andprofessional code of conduct.2. To adhere to Departmental and Trust policies and ensure others do so.3. Attend all Mandatory training as directed by the Trust.4. Report incidents where procedures fail or do not have the intended effect.5. To work in accordance with:-The IRR 17 and IR(ME)R 18 regulations, ALARA, Health & Safety Regulations andDepartmental and Trust Policies and Procedures6. To provide evidence of continuing professional development, to identify training needs and to develop skills including organisation and supervisory skills and techniques.7. To maintain HPC registration.8. To use independently after training the Trust PACS (Picture Archive Communication System)and department CR (Computerised Radiography) System recording accurate details of faults/issues and reporting fault/issues to senior staff.9. Maintain up to date skills and knowledge, and maintain an awareness of patient led service issues.10. Maintain a professional/personal portfolio.11. Adhere to Trust policy, procedures and guidelines.12. Adhere to Trust standards of behaviour and expected performance.13. Comply with Infection Prevention and Control (IP&C) policies and procedures as appropriate to their role and responsibilities in their individual work setting. Staff are required to be personally accountable for their actions and be responsible for their own compliance in relation to IP&C polices protocols or advice.14. To perform duties in a caring and professional manner.15. To perform all imaging techniques for which adequate training has been given as required including Theatre and Portable, AE, Barium, Dental, General and Specialist Radiography.