StartingSalary: NJC Scale Point 29-32 (£38,626 -£41,511)
This exciting postoversees the delivery of the Malvern Hills Trust’s practical landmanagement and conservation work across the nationally importantMalvern Hills and Commons.
This senior roleinvolves the day to day direction of our estate team, undertaking awide range of land management tasks across 1,200 hectares includingupkeep of paths and access infrastructure, tree and woodland works,grassland management, the maintenance of machinery, bin emptyingand supervision of contractors.
As one of the seniormanagement staff, the Operations Manager is responsible for theoverall supervision of practical land management across all landmanaged by the Malvern Hills Trust, to help deliver the adoptedLand Management Plan. This diverse and challenging roleprimarily involves the day-to-day planning of a wide range of landmanagement and conservation tasks and overseeing their delivery bythe field staff and contractors. Tasks include maintenance ofaccess networks, buildings and countryside furniture, habitatmanagement, mowing, bin emptying and litter collection togetherwith the upkeep of MHT vehicles, machinery and tools. Accurate record keeping whilst having due regard forconservation principles, the landscape, wildlife and archaeologicalfeatures is essential. Work needs to conform to environmentalgood practice and Health and Safety legislation, and there is aneed to ensure work complies with the Trust’s duties under the Actsof Parliament.
For further information and anapplication pack please click to visit ourwebsite.