The post holder will provide a holistic approach to service user assessment, treatment, review and management of packages of care. Utilising resources effectively within the service area. The post holder will undertake a range of comprehensive and evidence based clinical risk assessments and associated care plans that are relevant to the service users care needs The post holder will provide clinical advice for service users who present with challenging behaviour and mental health disorder that promotes and facilitates the positive health and wellbeing of people with learning disabilities. Including direct work with service users, carers, colleagues and other service providers. The post holder will lead specific groups and sessions with clear objectives when necessary The post holder will maintain links with inpatient and community staff, GPs, primary and secondary care teams, statutory and voluntary agencies and social services to ensure the health needs of people with learning disabilities are met effectively and as close to home as possible The post holder will carry out clinical procedures when required in accordance with trust policy and their own competency. The post holder will maintain appropriate therapeutic boundaries with service users. The post holder will act as a role model to the MDT, service users, carers and staff. The post holder will actively promote positive experiences for people with learning disabilities when accessing mainstream healthcare services. The post holder will support GPs with the uptake of Annual Health Checks and promoting the use of Health Action Plans.