The post holder will: Provide the choice of direct access to an ANP, in the Practice, over the telephone as well as home visits for the practice population. Make professional autonomous decisions for which she/he is accountable Provide clinics within the Practice for patients presenting wit undifferentiated undiagnosed problems, making use of skills in history taking, physical examination, problem-solving and clinical decision making, to establish a diagnosis and management plan Instigate necessary invasive and non-invasive diagnostic tests or investigations and interpret findings/reports Fully qualified independent prescriber to prescribe safe, effective and appropriate medication as defined by current legislative framework Provide sage, evidence based, cost effective, individualised patient care Offer a holistic service to patients and their families, developing where appropriate an on-going plan of care/support, with emphasis on prevention and self-care Provide health and well-being through the use of health promotion, health education, screening and therapeutic communication skills Refer patients directly to other services/agencies as appropriate Work with relevant colleagues to ensure that National Service Framework (eg Coronary Heart Disease/Older Peoples/Diabetes/Mental Health) are being delivered Contribute to the practice achieving its quality targets to sustain the high standards of patient care and service delivery