All nurses must be registered with the NMC. You will be an active member of a unique mini team model, supporting the care coordinator in planning and delivering a care plan and wider multi-disciplinary team. You will work in close co-operation with hospital based, primary care-based professionals, other community agencies such as Housing, Probation, Police, Substance misuse, Children Schools & Families and Voluntary Agencies. You will be responsible for the assessment of care needs and the development, implementation and evaluation of programmes of care for a defined caseload of people with first episode psychosis and and maintaining associated records. The core functions are to undertake integrated health and social care assessments, supporting the care coordinator in delivering a care plan within a framework of recovery which embraces each individuals right to choose and control. The role requires skills in assessing, planning, organising, reviewing and delivering recovery oriented and evidence-based interventions to support the recovery of service users, as agreed with supervising clinician(s). This work will be in accordance with clinical governance processes and professional standards. For a detailed Job and Person Specification please read attached before applying