Permanentcontract with a localauthority
Civil ParkingEnforcement is used by the Authority to fulfil its duty to managethe road network and to ensure the expeditious movement of alltraffic. The overall aim is to provide a service that operates in afair consistent and transparent manner for the overall benefit ofthe residents visitors andbusinesses.
To provide anefficient and effective service of parking enforcement in order tominimise parking in contravention through the issue of PenaltyCharge Notices in appropriatecases.
You will beconversant with Road Traffic Law Traffic Regulation Orders relevantlegislation andCivil
ParkingEnforcement practices andprocedures.
The processingof PCNs and issuing ofpermits
You will befluent in the EnglishLanguage
Additionalinformation tonote:
Standard DBSneeded
Being able todrive inpreferable
37 hours perweek (Please note that you ll work a shift pattern of 4 on 4 off ona rolling 8week rota with weekend working (with enhancement) amixture of early and late shifts between 7am and 9:30pm). Part timehours also considered. Please state your preferred days / hours aspart of your application.
Theclosing date for this position isASAP
To provide an efficient and effective service of parkingenforcement in order to minimise parking in contravention throughthe issue of Penalty Charge Notices in appropriate cases. You willbe conversant with Road Traffic Law, Traffic Regulation Orders,relevant legislation and Civil Parking Enforcement practices andprocedures. The processing of PCN's and issuing of permits You willbe fluent in the English Language